Baby chicken emergency

Yea that is not a good idea… ur gonna have to get him/her a friend or else it'll die and keep him warm…. it looks like its just his crop that is full which is a good thing (means he is eating) DON'T force him to eat or drink anything. that would kill him….
I actually already have 2 baby chickens that I hatched and they think I am there mom so they fallow me around but they tried to peck at him alot so I have him in a seperate area
I actually already have 2 baby chickens that I hatched and they think I am there mom so they fallow me around but they tried to peck at him alot so I have him in a seperate area
Ok well keep them in a area were they can see each other…. maybe a wire barrier?… if it doesn't have friends he WILL die… I've learned the hard way, they can die in less then a few hours….
He definitely might benefit from seeing the other chicks. They learn from watching their siblings most times
I tried to give him to a mom she tried to kill him

Read all of this!
Yeah that rarely works, they look at it as a rodent or a nuisance from another hen and want it gone away from them and or their clutch..


I have done this many times, but you have to be ready to check early in the morning and make sure.. You said that you have another hen with chicks about the same size right? Chickens cant really count! I'm pretty sure of this lol

When your hen goes back to her nest and sits with her other chicks tonight just go in there and gently place the new chick up under her. Be sure not to shine your light directly on her as to spook the hen, etc. The other chick will gladly take in the warmth and likely stay under her for the night.. In the morning odds are that your chick will have a brand new mom and neither will ever know the difference.

I've never had this fail, but I do not want to guarantee all will be fine. My bet is that it will be though if you do it at roost time. If possible check on it as soon as they wake in the morning.

Keep the chick warm for now and I hope in some way this helps and or helps another in the future.

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