Baby Quail Not Eating


In the Brooder
Jun 7, 2023
Hi everyone,

I have an abandoned baby qual (California or Gambel's, hard to tell) that is probably about 2 days old, it's just starting to get in the start of its wing feathers. It was crying outside the other night right before a wind and rain storm came through. I waited about 15 minutes and it was still out there so I gathered it up and put it in a brooder with a lamp. It seems to have taken a turn for the worse - I tried to show it where the food was by tapping on it, and put a dime in there to make it curious, but it never really ate anything (I set out non-medicated chick starter, and mortar & pestle'd it to make the pieces smaller) and now is super weak. Over the past 24 hours I've given it NutriDrench, raw egg yolk, honey water, and even crushed up chick starter to no avail. I know at this point I've probably done all I can - but I'm hoping someone out there has a miracle thing I haven't tried. I'd hate to see it die. Anything helps - thanks!

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