Backyard chickens and cat


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 29, 2010
Central California Coast
We have been letting the chickens roam in the backyard in the evenings while we enjoy the outdoors. We have been trying to keep the cats and dog inside until we can be sure they don't harrass the chickens. Well, somehow our cat Smoke got out but as you can see it worked out fine.


Smoke eyes one of the chickens


See I really am harmless and want to be your friend!
lol. i have ducks, and we just a new kitten, and my ducks chase her all over the yard but all Maggie want too do is play, but i have a overly protective drake and he dont like her near his hens so he chases her every were. its so funny.
Oh My! This is like looking at our cat, Smoke!

She was raised in a closed off (from the chickens) section of their old coop back in TN and we always joked that she would grow up thinking she was a chicken!

She loves hanging out with the hens but stays away from the roos.

Can't wait for hubby to get home from work to show him this!

Thanks for sharing!

Edited because I can't spell three letter words...
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I have a black & white neutered male cat (Mr. Toots) and he was very active in the 'raisinig' of the chiks and ducks so now he lays around in the runs over looking his kingdom. Even the Roo's leave him be! lol!
My cats and chickens get along just fine. In fact I even had a sick chicken and a cat live with each other in an inclosed coop for about a month. They did just fine. My Aunts said her broody chicken pecked her cat in the eye. She took the cat into the vet, they gave it some meds and it was ok. The cat hasn't bothered the birds sence.

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