Backyard Goats????

yes goat forum !
I know that we have the other livestock section on here but it can get a little hard to find the goat topics on here. I am not saying that anyone would leave here and never come back cause obviously we love it here
I don't know about any other animal forums, but I do know that any BYC related forums do and will have the exact same, or pretty darn close, to the same rules and feel as BYC.

I think BYC's other sister sites have been really good and there is opportunity for people to join those forums that don't yet have chickens (and we can then lure them into getting chickens!)

Thanks for the encouragement everyone. I know all of you will be recruited to make sure any new forums are successful and people feel comfortable and can get help they need.
Not sure what forum you're talking about when you complain that the people are too mean. If it's, you're waaay too sensitive. The only difference is that many of those people are knowledgeable and professional, relying on their goats for some or most of their livlihood. To a person, they are courteous and helpful. There IS far less of the vapid, silly, city people pretending to farm crap of "Oh, my little chickie did something sooo cute!" If that's what you want, BYC is the place for you.


Are you mad like angry or mad like insane???
Farmers are usually pretty happy folks unless the commodity prices go in the tank and feed gets too high....


The answer to your question is in "Farming, a Handbook", by Wendel Berry. And when people insult my friends, it does, infact, make me angry. What's abnormal about that?

Not familiar with that publication. I am a Joel Salatin follower as well as Gail Damerow and Carol Ekarius.

I, too, would be mad if someone insulted my friends. I hope that hasn't happened at BYC.

Not familiar with that publication. I am a Joel Salatin follower as well as Gail Damerow and Carol Ekarius.

I, too, would be mad if someone insulted my friends. I hope that hasn't happened at BYC.


I don't think anything like that has happened yet. Luckily.

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