Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

He'll crow. It's funny though, when I had 2 crowing cockerels in the coop there was a lot of crowing. Then I got rid of the extra cockerels and now it's super quiet. My main barnevelder rooster will crow a few times in the morning, and occasionally a time or 2 during the day.
I finally have something to share!
I just put up pics on my farm page but here are the Barnies. Hope I post these right.

Two of my young roos:



And some of the young girls:



I can see I need to get some better pictures that show the colors and lacing better.
Sorry to be slow to respond. We've had some computer trouble...(old computer etc) and had to overhaul our computer and just got back up to speed:)

I'm hoarding all my blue eggs, LOL. I'm going to set every egg I've saved up in a few days...then I'm going to hoard some more for another hatch. If I get enough blue chicks then I'll start offering some eggs up on the BYC.

Oh, I might not be on much for the next few days....weeks. Got inlaws, other company etc coming for the holidays. I have a lot of cleaning house to do

You get some eggs soon. I still have a few pullets holding out on me, but I would say most are laying at this point. The older hens of course aren't laying and probably won't until the days get longer. I did just get a first egg yesterday from one of the pullets so there is hope more will start soon.

I think the feed ration I started them on is helping. It's a 20% layer pellet and I also supplement with 19% pigeon mix as a treat instead of scratch. I just started to give some alfalfa pellets (16%) mixed in to compensate for lack of greens. The alfalfa pellets (smaller rabbit kind) seem to really be improving yolk color and maybe leg color too.

Someone may have already posted this, but it is a good thread about Barnevelder faults and breeding strategies, from people in Australia and Canada. Looks like a few years old but lots of pictures and viewpoints.

Link removed--

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Excellent read and very helpful Andy! Complete with a lovely blue hunk of Barnevelder boy to look at too. Thank you!
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Sorry to be slow to respond. We've had some computer trouble...(old computer etc) and had to overhaul our computer and just got back up to speed:)

I'm hoarding all my blue eggs, LOL. I'm going to set every egg I've saved up in a few days...then I'm going to hoard some more for another hatch. If I get enough blue chicks then I'll start offering some eggs up on the BYC.

Oh, I might not be on much for the next few days....weeks. Got inlaws, other company etc coming for the holidays. I have a lot of cleaning house to do


Glad you are back up to speed and you got your 'puter fixed.

I suppose it's ok if you hoard them all for yourself for right now.........I guess.
Just don't know how much longer





Happy Holidays if we don't see you before.
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