Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

I didn't say mine were anything special...but I know for sure they are barnevelder.
Pink: I don't have a picture of the breast feathers but it should look exactly like the back, double laced. If you look at the wing spread picture, you can see the hackle feathers are black then transition to double laced. If you can imagine that line of black to lacing running under the throat but slightly higher. Best bet is look in the Standard of Perfection at standard sized Barnevelders. The picture and description are definitely the ideal bird depiction. If you notice there the only All Red feathers are the primaries. The rest of the bird should be Mostly black with a green sheen and the feather laced with a fine red/brown border.
Does anybody sell Barnevelder chicks around WA state, western side? In spring I will be looking for 4wkers & up. I'm just trying to get some breeders names saved & maybe chat with them or get on a waiting list etc. I don't have a way to hatch eggs at the time being & something young but not needing a heat light would be best & fit into our flock easier. I'm just looking for pullets to be layers & add color to our hen flock. Only looking for 1 or 2 chicks as our space is limited. Please PM me if you will have any for sale come 2011.

Thanks Shannon
I got my pullets at 4 weeks from a local breeder in Corvallis, Oregon this spring. It is probably a bit of a distance for you, but I think they are pretty nice. Mine haven't started laying so I can't say what the egg color will be like yet...

I posted pictures of them on the other Barnevelder thread. Nothing against this one, it's just that I'm not breeding at this point, maybe in the future!
Shannon, sorry this didn't come via PM but I live in Western WA approx 1 hour north of Portland. I will have chicks available in the spring 2011.


Here are a few photos of one of my pullets and her lacing......can you/anyone tell me if her lacing is good? All opinions and advise are welcome and appreciated. I couldn't catch the other gal but she looks exactly the same. Thank you for your time!




Here are a couple of photos of my roo.......he is the biggest teddy bear, I knew they were suppose to be a friendly breed but this guy is beyond sweet. Very attached to people and he doesn't care who it is.......just stands at your feet or under them until somebody picks him up. Sorry not the best photos of him next to the fence, he was very busy antagonizing my Blue Copper Marans roo who didn't get to come out and play that day.



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Hello All

Finally found this thread! I have "discovered" the Barnevelders and find them to be absolutely beautiful and intriguing. I was wondering if anyone can give me a little insight into their personality -hardiness- laying habits -etc. And also how difficult it is to find large fowl in the breed?
Thanks so much!
Hi Inkheart!

I will tell you what I know and it isn't much but here goes.........In my experience they are very friendly and sweet dispositioned birds. Mine just started laying a month ago, they are 6 months old, they aren't the greatest layers but I suspect that it is because they have only just started and haven't gotten into a good laying groove yet. I can't comment on their hardiness as this will be my first winter with them but I will tell you that they have done very well so far here in the rainy and gray Pacific Northwest, if they fair well over the next 8 mos of rain (which is what is like here during the winter months) I will be happy. I can comment on the fact that they have been very hardy birds where health has been concerned. They get along well with all other birds and tend to stick to themselves when out free ranging with everyone else.
Standard Barnevelders are available and one can find them with a little hunting, the problem is going to be finding Barnies that have not been crossed with Welsummers. Barnevelders have been crossed with Welsummers somewhere in the past to improve upon egg color and those birds have been knowingly sold to other unsuspecting folks as pure Barnies, then those folks who did not know have sold those Barnie x Wellie birds as pure birds to others and so on and so on........Please don't get me wrong I am not saying anything bad about anyone just stating the track record and feel very sorry for the folks that paid good money for their birds thinking that they recieved pure birds. I feel that a lot of people are unaware of this and need to be advised of their chances of receiving potentially crossed birds. With that said there are several dedicated folks out there that are trying to keep Barnevelders pure and lending their expertise to the breed and making wonderful strides.....a handful of them are right here on BYC IMO.
Thanks so much for responding! I have to tell you that doesnt surprise me as it seems alot of people mix birds for various reasons it seems. thanks so much for the advice -
I am new & learning about barnevelders before getting any. So if I was to judge it would be just on color, I like the first one. It has more of the coloring I would be looking for if I was going to put any in a flock. I like the dark rich coloring & pattern.

Aye, that red looks Wellie-ish in that pic.
Healthy looking girls though

We should all have eggs available in the Spring, if you want to hatch more

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