Barnevelders eggs


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 27, 2009
Would like to see or hear about the color of Barnevelder eggs...Is the Barnevelders more calm than the Welsummers?

I have heard Barnvelder lay a much lighter egg than Marans or Wellsummers I have also heard they don't lay very well. Do you not like the tempermant of your Wellsummers mine are pretty good not a sweet as Marans though but they have a very good lay rate of nice dark of speckled eggs and are some of my favorites.

We are trying to decide which to first it was Welsummers, but now we are looking at the Barnvelders. Just wanted some input about their egg color and temperment.
I raise, breed, and show Barnevelders and Welsummers. The Barnie egg is much lighter than the Welsummers. Egg color is one of the things we're working on getting back. If you'd like to send me a personal email, I'll send you some info on my birds.

God Bless,

My girl just laid her first egg today at 20 weeks exactly.

From my Barnevelder, Hazel. Was worried they wouldn't carry a dark enough color that I would like. It's a rich and copper tone. Love it!
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What are your goals? What do you want out of your flock? I work with both breeds, and they are both wonderful, but they have some different qualities.

Welsummers - tend to not be a lap chicken. They are friendly and will come running to you for treats, but they are not wild about being picked up. Egg color is terra cotta (clay pot colored) They are not a broody breed. They are very good layers.

Barnevelders - very mellow birds, if you wanted a lap chicken, you'd have better luck here. Egg color varies a lot. Those of us that are breeding are working to get it back. Coloring should be a coppery brown. They are a very broody breed. They are good layers when not broody.

Here are some pictures from my flock:

Welsummer eggs:

Barnevelder egg:

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