Barred Rock Cockerel, Zane...Updates

I'm willing to bet Mycoplasma Synoviae...If not, I'll pay for the testing..with the pic of the hen with Salpingitis you posted back awhile, it's not a coincident
Bill, Zane did have a bad fall then came up lame, so I'd bet he broke his leg or, if not break, at least develop an infection in the soft tissue from the trauma. It was directly after that, this started. I've read the information on MS and although some of it could fit, not sure all of it does. I certainly do respect your knowledge and I'll read up on it more. I do know that there have been no respiratory symptoms with any of the flock, none at all. How would you say most Mycoplasma is contracted?
MS is egg transmitted but not as much as MG..It can be contracted from an infected environment and spread from place to place on clothing , shoes or what vehicles, feed sacks etc. and possibly spread by mosquitos, lice. mites and ticks
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Bill, what about staphylococcic arthritis? That seems to fit better and does resemble MS. Also, I have problems with bumblefoot all the time here. If he had wounded his foot then gotten a staff infection, that would make sense. I have a closed flock here. Zane was hatched from my own birds. I've never been to a poultry auction and only one show, ever, a long time before we had Zane, then we washed our clothing and sprayed everything with bleach when we got home. And I never buy birds.
Could it just be a simple infection in a traumatized joint? A vet did tell me that he could get an infection from the trauma of the fall and to put him on antibiotics, which I did early on in his treatment.
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Do you think Staph caused the salpingitis? Its typical with MS.. If you had a flock of a hundred or so birds I'd say the cases were different but with just a few birds I think they are related..Was/is Zane's droppings green?
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His droppings are solid and brownish except when he eats leaves off the rose bush, a favorite treat of his, then they are greenish-brown, but usually they are medium grayish-brown to dark brown. When they are slightly runny on occasion, they are almost black-brown.
I know that Staph didnt cause Lorelei's problem, and I do hope they are not related. I have in the neighborhood of 50 birds here. I do respect your opinion, William, I just want to get all possibilities, put them side by side and see which fits best, if there's some chance that he doesn't just have a simple infection in his hock joint. He is getting much better now, his color is fantastic, he's trying to flirt with the ladies and even standing for a few seconds at a time and taking a few steps. In general, he seems to be improving alot lately.
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This is great to hear that he seems to be improving! Heres hoping that it really is a simple infection!
Is it just the one leg Cyn? OR both? Usually MS will effect both legs. Viral Arthritis (called may names) he would be dead with in a few weeks. I have a friend that is battling that.
Its just one leg, Christina. Neither shank seems swollen except at that hock joint. I feel for your friend. It's awful when stuff like that strikes a flock, has to be frustrating and extremely stressful.
I was reading the Health Handbook and there is a staph arthritis and a viral arthritis. If any symptoms fit him, it wouldn't be the viral.
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