Barred Rock Cockerel, Zane...Updates

Yep, we are our own vet with this flock. Surgery isn't anything we like to do and this was the first time we worked on anything except bumblefoot. Thank goodness DH has steady hands! After he was bandaged, we put Zane in his sling, which he promptly started trying to escape. Suede's daughter Glenda came into the little pen where we hang him up and he was dancing and dragging his wing. He'd walk/dance, then fall forward, catch himself with his wing and start again. He was also crowing his heart out. That boy has such a spirit!
Hopefully that will take care of it! I bet that boy has no idea just how many people are rooting for him!
You go Zane and get better now!
Yippee, sounds like you got the rest of the mess out. I bet Zane will be back before you know it. It sounds like he is fighting to woo the girls and take his place in the flock.
Cyn --

You may already be doing this, but just in case -- make sure you give Zane yogurt while he's on the antibiotics. Antibios can really screw up the good gut bacteria, especially if you are using multiple antibiotics as you have in this case (pen, sulfa, possibly lincomycin). The yogurt will help to reestablish the good bugs.

I hope the big guy keeps improving!
Oh Cyn

I am so glad he sounds like he is doing better.
My therapist asks about him every time I go in.

Zane has a lot more folks rooting for him than he would ever know and I always tell Lily how he is doing every day!

Hiya, Jill! Glad to see you popped in! You tell Lily she has the most wonderful younger brothers! Zane, Dutch and Mace would make their daddy and mama proud.
How's your therapy coming along?

My dad had a little issue today. He had developed a blood clot in his arm. They didnt even know it, but he was scratching at it a bit and his therapist told him the arm was swollen so they got him to the Emergency Room. Turned out to be a clot between the shoulder and elbow somewhere. He's a bit down about this development and now will probably have to stay on blood thinners for the forseeable future.
I hate that about your dad Cyn. It is nice to know that you were able to get that news yesterday though. That in itself sounds like an improvement there! Did they say what they were going to have to do about the blood clot? Will the blood thinners take care of it?

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