Barred Rock Cockerel, Zane...Updates

That is wonderful news about Zane! I liked the expression you used, "crowing his heart out."

I don't know how anyone can believe that animals don't have feelings like joy and sadness. Zane is getting better, and he's happy to be alive!
I agree!
Very good. I'll keep on praying for him.

How's Zaner's doing today?!?!
Any luck with being able to put some weight on that leg yet?
That is just wonderful news on Zane!!!!!!!!!! Wow, has he come a long way now hasn't he? My goodness, if you go back to the original posts and read them it is like a is a miracle. I am so glad things are getting better in your coop!!
Prayers are with your dad. It is a lot for him to take in right now isn't it? Sounds like he is strong willed enough to get past this set back. Hope all goes well there.
Zane hasn't been out of his cage today. I think his leg is really hurting. When I opened the kennel to get some poop out, he back himself up all the way against the back wall will his tail was up in the air and his head in the shavings. Poor boy has been through the wringer.
I would take that as a sign saying "Hey Mom I have had enough please give me a break". I think that would be a sign of getting better.

Still keeping you and yours in my prayers Cyn

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