Barred Rock Cockerel, Zane...Updates

It's amazing how some take hold of our hearts so, whereas others are just there. He is a stong willed boy and if any roo can come back from what he's been through it will be him!
I havent removed the bandage today. Thought I'd give ihm a break plus it's been raining. He did get some sling time today and was crowing to beat the band. We'll check under the bandage tomorrow and let you know-thanks for thinking of Zane! How are YOU doing?
Dang, I KNEW someone was missing, but couldn't figure out whom...glad you're feeling better...

Obelisk is doing well, thanks, Cyn...she doesn't seem lonely...She's more willing to tolerate the wild birds grazing nearer her than they could've done before...
She sat on the arm of the couch last week when both Ernie and I were working...

I'm doing better also...just can't get rid of that darned cough...I still miss Penny alot...

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