Bedding for my 2 month old Black Swedish ducks

Kiki to Nana

6 Years
Aug 1, 2016
Fowlerville, Michigan
First time poster here! Avid reader over the past 2 months though.

I am curious what is the general consensus on wood shavings/pine shavings for my ducks. My girlfriend has been reading all over and has heard the horror stories of ducks unfortunately dying from eating them. Is this only a problem in ducklings or just a general risk that comes with shavings?

We have created an outdoor home for them but we are both very protective and no matter how much we reinforce that thing we will most likely bring them in every night. We have been using puppy pads with grass/hay (messy) we are going to give them a much bigger enclosure into our basement and probably layer the floor with tarp for easy cleaning; we just need a safe recommendation on what would be best suited for laying over the tarp.

Thank you in advance!
First time poster here! Avid reader over the past 2 months though.

I am curious what is the general consensus on wood shavings/pine shavings for my ducks. My girlfriend has been reading all over and has heard the horror stories of ducks unfortunately dying from eating them. Is this only a problem in ducklings or just a general risk that comes with shavings?

We have created an outdoor home for them but we are both very protective and no matter how much we reinforce that thing we will most likely bring them in every night. We have been using puppy pads with grass/hay (messy) we are going to give them a much bigger enclosure into our basement and probably layer the floor with tarp for easy cleaning; we just need a safe recommendation on what would be best suited for laying over the tarp.

Thank you in advance!
@Kiki to Nana at 2 months old if you use large shaving they should be past the nibbling on shavings stage. That is usually first week when they aren't quite sure what feed is and will try shaving. I wait till mine are around 2 weeks then remove the peep ads or towels and let them be on shavings. They may act like they are tasting it but they don't eat it.

I buy horse bedding in large white plastic bundles it's cut larger then what I use to buy at TSC. Then daily I go in and scoop out the wet poop turn over and mix and it's ready for the night. I add as needed.

Welcome to BYC!
@Kiki to Nana
    at 2 months old if you use large shaving they should be past the nibbling on shavings stage. That is usually first week when they aren't quite sure what feed is and will try shaving. I wait till mine are around 2 weeks then remove the peep ads or towels and let them be on shavings. They may act like they are tasting it but they don't eat it.

I buy horse bedding in large white plastic bundles it's cut larger then what I use to buy at TSC. Then daily I go in and scoop out the wet poop turn over and mix and it's ready for the night. I add as needed.

Welcome to BYC!

Thank you for the reply! Do you happen to have a brand name or place you buy your current bedding?
Thank you for the reply! Do you happen to have a brand name or place you buy your current bedding?
I am in NC and all the feed stores around out part sells the same kind of horse bedding, Not sure on the name and it's up in the loft[my dh usually gets it down for me] I'll see if he can look it up tomorrow. I'm thinking Southern States but don't quote me.

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