Beginners in knoxville

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
We are new to chickens and have not gotten any yet. We are planning to build a coop soon and then get our birds from a farm in the local area.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?
None yet. City ordinances allow 6 hens. No roosters unfortunately.

(3) What breeds do you have?
City has no breed restrictions, so we plan on getting 6 Brahma hens. No preference on colors for this first round.

(4) How did you find out about
Followed a link in an article about coop designs.

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
We enjoy outdoors type things. Kayaking, hiking, and other fun (and somewhat introvert) type activities.

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.
I am currently an elevator mechanic and my wife is a 5th grade teacher. We live in the city of Knoxville on a dead end. We have 3 very friendly cats and our neighbors have friendly dogs that visit us regularly.

From our research we like the Brahma breed because they are bigger than our mighty Hunter cats so we won't have to worry about them. They are reportedly very gentle and even friendly. They are supposed to be great in all temperatures. And they are awesome to look at. My wife wants to avoid anything so big as the giant brahmas that you can find on youtube (but I think that would be incredible to have), so we are hoping to get a more normal sized group of Brahma.

We plan to follow all the city ordinances with our chickens and being on a dead end, I do not anticipate unhappy neighbors. We plan to keep them contained full time but we want to give them a larger than normal fenced area to make their lives a little closer to free range.

We need some advice on coop designs for 6 of these large hens. I'm building it myself and I am pretty handy but I still need more than a blurry picture to know what to do. Any suggestions would be awesome.

We would love any insight or advice and would love to meet some other local keepers.


Welcome to Backyard Chickens love the bio I have three monster cats outside love them but know the limits babies under wraps I have two coops one has two rooms 4 silkies in one that is where peeps live till cats cannot eat them.. fast lots of pallets and cattle panels tons of zip ties and hardware cloth
Great introduction :clap. Wise thinking.:thumbsupYour off to a good start .About all I can say is howdy welcome nice to met you . Would say this even a small number of chickens tend to make a mess . Three simple things make life better . # 1 laying/nesting boxes assessable from out side the coop and run . #2Watering and feeding designed so you don't enter the coop or run to feed and water . #3 Under ground Wiring in conduit as well as all coop wiring in conduit . Pvc is fine . Frost pruff two foot bury faucet close to coop. Lights in winter are just nice to have and carrying water is a real pain on ice and snow. Rough in your underground to coop area before constructing your coop . Pallet lumber is fine for many projects . Free always works for me . Best of luck from middle Tennessee :frow

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