Best Place To Put Coop Thermometer?


11 Years
Mar 7, 2010
I just purchased a combination thermometer/humidity gauge and am wondering if it should go at the mid-point inside the coop or higher or lower? I have venting close to the roof line on all four sides (above the roost) but would it be better to measure near the floor?
Hi! I have a follow-up question -- I also recently purchased the same thermometer/humidity gauge and am wondering if there is a recommended range to stay within on the humidity side of the gauge. I've seen the humidity in my coop at night range from about 55% to 72%, and I have 25 standard size chickens in a 8x12 coop with 8 ft walls and ventilation at the eaves plus a roof vent. What humidity levels should I expect this winter?
I have my gauge at roost level.

As far as humidity goes, I have another gauge outdoors, and what I want to see is that the humidity in the coop is not any higher than the humidity outdoors.

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