Big Announcement: BYC & Mark Zuckerberg / Facebook Partnership - BeakBook - April fool's 2013

I can't believe that BYC is going to be a publicly traded company. What is next?
It will be listed on the NYSE as "FBYC", (combining FB and BYC)
All platinum members will get 1000 shares of the new FBYC stock.
Golden feather members will get 25 shares.
Moderators will have to pay double the IPO price for their shares, in keeping with their innate generosity and long suffering natures.
Since the cat's out of the bag, which didn't last very long, I want to thank the mods for vigorously keeping the April Fool's posts out...I'm sure it took a village!! Thank you Rob and the rest for coming up with such an elaborate scheme!!! How are you going to top this one?!! :gig
It will be listed on the NYSE as "FBYC", (combining FB and BYC)
All platinum members will get 1000 shares of the new FBYC stock.
Golden feather members will get 25 shares.
Moderators will have to pay double the IPO price for their shares, in keeping with their innate generosity and long suffering natures.


You have quite an imagination!
Since the cat's out of the bag, which didn't last very long, I want to thank the mods for vigorously keeping the April Fool's posts out...I'm sure it took a village!! Thank you Rob and the rest for coming up with such an elaborate scheme!!! How are you going to top this one?!!

I have to say-I was a little disappointed this year. I remember some that were better-how about the "Egg Cell?" I LOVED that idea!

Or the year when people's post counts were all reset to zero? All the moderators were titled "banned" and members were having their titles changed left and right!

Then every time someone typed "April Fool's" the system changed it to read "BYC member's" day. Lots of other words were changed that day too! Thanks again, Nifty! I have been looking forward to today for over a month, wondering what all you had up your sleeve!
 There is absolutely NO way that a BYC/Facebook mashup would be able to maintain the "cordial and friendly tone" that the BYC mods enforce here. One of the things I like about BYC is that it's NOT facebook!! That you can actually FIND information, that BYC does not decide what threads I see and what threads I don't see - while facebook decides what's important enough to show up on my news feed and what isn't (SO annoying!). BYC is an incredible resource, making it more like facebook will ruin that completely. BYC doesn't need facebook to grow, it has grown enough organically and will continue to do so with the ever increasing popularity of the backyard chicken. Don't be waylaid by dollar signs guys, once you partner with a force like facebook, your autonomy and decision making ability as a company will cease to exist, and so will BYC as we know it...

Please, say it ain't SO!!

I completely agree i am new to this site so may not have much of a say but she/he is right don't be tempted just because of the amount of money plus will this mean a whole load of those stupid advertisements and notification that are on fb all the time? I only joined a week ago and every day i see new people joining asking for help or just enjoying the site. Whats the real need for doing this is what i would like to know?

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