Bitey Drake!


In the Brooder
Jul 23, 2019
I have a drake khaki Campbell and a Pekin (female) duck. My Pekin has been fighting off a wicked case of bumblefoot (that's a whole different story though), and my drake has been acting incredibly dominant since she started with it. He bites us all like crazy, and chases us back into the house when we come out to see them! He keeps going after my poor Pekin, who is already under the weather and just doesn't want to fight him off all the time! Is there any way for me to check his behavior?? Do I just need to get more girls so Waddles gets a break from him? TIA 😊😊
I agree with @sourland and also, you might need to think about rehoming/processing him given his aggression toward you. I'd like others with actual first-hand experience to weight in on this, but one idea I had for dealing with a dominant/aggressive drake would be to establish your own dominance.

Hmm, there's actually an article that covers how to do this:
Thank you! Yes, all of you lol. I've got them both in the house right now due to the super cold temps ( Pure Michigan, amirite?) so I'll put her behind the baby gates after their bath. I like that they're in here because I can keep an eye on them better, but he's such a jerk about it lol.

That article was super helpful, too! I'm sharing it with my fiance too, since he's getting the aggression bites from that bossy Drake!

Lol These guys are lucky we love them! And this spring we're adding 2 more girls to our flock! 😊😊
Well just like aggressive Roosters I'd not keep him. He might be ready for freezer camp?

Figure that's always possible, but it'd likely be better if they can break the drake of his aggressive behavior toward them. That way they don't have to kill him and they also don't have to get a new one that they then have to introduce to their duck. Plus their duck doesn't have to go through alone time while they find another drake - assuming they want one.
Figure that's always possible, but it'd likely be better if they can break the drake of his aggressive behavior toward them. That way they don't have to kill him and they also don't have to get a new one that they then have to introduce to their duck. Plus their duck doesn't have to go through alone time while they find another drake - assuming they want one.
Yes. Definitely something the OP needs to decide upon. I just know too many Good Drakes and Roosters waiting for a home.

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