Black Copper Marans - Time progression of sexing - UPDATED with WEEKs #1-3 PICTURES

The Marans picture you found looks a lot like your pullet! What did you find out about the one in the picture? Her color is beautiful! I can't wait to see the next pictures from tomorrow! I searched BCM just for the age progression you are posting and that's how I found your thread. Just want to say thank you!
It's not really my thread, I hijacked someone else's thread who was posting progression pics. :) Figured I'd add onto it instead of starting a new one.

Unfortunately the pic I found didn't come up with anything. I did an image search in Google for Black Copper Marans and found it that way but was only able to go directly to the image, when I tried to go to the webpage that it's supposed to be on, I couldn't find the image.

Ok, I just did a reverse image search on it in Bing and it was found in a thread here posted by @Hurley : Looks like they got her "from a coule thrown in eggs with a silkie order I had made" I wonder if he still has her.
ok @Bazy Here's some pics from the 5 week photo shoot this evening. Ali, my Easter Egger got in one of the shots. She was being a very bad model tonight. Took forever to get a good pic of her. She didn't want to stand up for me. She must like Molly because as soon as I brought her out she was up and at em.

They are going to be beautiful! The feathers on their feet are priceless! Could she be cuckoo? I'm just guessing here. I have only Black and Splash so don't have a real live comparison, but I have partridge, barred and double barred in other breeds. Just no cuckoo. Her feather pattern is too organized to be unplanned to me. I need to google cuckoo Marans and see how she compares. I really, really like her and would like to nail it down!
They are going to be beautiful! The feathers on their feet are priceless! Could she be cuckoo? I'm just guessing here. I have only Black and Splash so don't have a real live comparison, but I have partridge, barred and double barred in other breeds. Just no cuckoo. Her feather pattern is too organized to be unplanned to me. I need to google cuckoo Marans and see how she compares. I really, really like her and would like to nail it down!

She could very well be a purebred Black Copper Marans, just that she inherited way too much copper and mossyness from her parents. On the bright side, its believed that mossy Marans lay darker eggs :)
Is there a certain area to watch for to determine if a marans is a BCM or a Birchen? Will a certain group of feathers change first? I know the only real difference is the neck feathers but are there any other tells i can look for? If it's a BCM i will be selling it soon. If it's a Birchen i am going to hang onto it.
A Birchen Marans will look exactly like a Black Copper except the silvery cream birchen color will be replacing the copper leakage. What you have is just a very mossy Black Copper exhibiting way too much copper leakage.
If you are wanting to breed your BCMs, I would get rid of the mossy one and keep the correctly colored one. Mossiness is extremely undesirable and very inheritable.
A Birchen Marans will look exactly like a Black Copper except the silvery cream birchen color will be replacing the copper leakage. What you have is just a very mossy Black Copper exhibiting way too much copper leakage.
If you are wanting to breed your BCMs, I would get rid of the mossy one and keep the correctly colored one. Mossiness is extremely undesirable and very inheritable.

Not sure why it's undesirable if the mossier ones tend to lay darker eggs, unless that is a myth. I think it's pretty. I also don't have any plans of breeding my chickens. I just got them for the egg laying and entertainment. :) Are you saying the all black one looks more correct? She has white on her wing feathers which I heard is undesirable. Mossy Molly has more feathers on her legs. Mary's feathers for some reason are considerably more soft. Not sure if soft feathers is a trait of BCMs?
So I have 2 black copperhead marans. Roo, or hen?

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