black friday.... is it really worth it?

They have the same great sales online. Why deal with all that crap when you can have it all delivered. Usually free shipping during the holiday season anyway.

Forgot to add- everything comes in brown boxes- easy to throw in the closet an hide from the kids that way.
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I'm not sure about what kinds of deals go on in Canada but I do go every year here in the states and it both is that bad and isn't that bad all at the same time.

People can be rude, this tends to happen more so in certain stores than in others. (Which I know is not PC to say, but it is ime true!) I refuse to go to those stores and the isolated incidents I see in the others I just stay out of. I don't go for the shopping, though I have fun with it, I go because it's a tradition that my aunts, cousins, my sisters and I spend the day together. We meet early in the am and shop (and eat!) till we drop. I love it.

I think if you go to have fun, realize no material object is worth degrading yourself or others for and with a clear motive to ignore the crazies it can be a great experience. (Unless you are phobic of or hate crowds or bad traffic -- in which case STAY HOME! LOL!)
There is no way I will leave the house to go shopping on Black Friday. No way, not happening. A lot of online retailers have sales on the Monday following Black Friday, so that's when I shop.
I am 34 years old and last year was the first time I did the Black Friday thing. I don't believe I will be doing it again LOL. My mom talked me into going because I wanted a laptop and she did too and there was a 1 per person rule. It was at Staples and they only got like 6 computers in for the sale. We got in line at 1 am and we were numbers 3 and 4. We got our computers and then I drove her all over town to hit the last minute deals. When we finally got home after lunch I thin I slept for 2 days. Me and Mom have a tradition of going to the after Christmas sales every year and it's crazy but not NEAR as stupid as Black Friday.
O am finding everyones comments fascinating... The majority say no,,, but the stores are so full on that day... you would think if it was so bad then why does everyone flock for it?...hmmm
I love Black Friday. I get up a little bit later than the "mob," have breakfast with my sister, and go out Christmas shopping. There are still plenty of good sales before noon, and you don't have to get up at the crack of dawn.

I have waited in line for hours on a freezing cold sidewalk (okay, well, I had a sleeping bag), on launch day for the Nintendo Wii. Other than that day, I prefer to arrive when the stores are already open.

If you like to collect experiences (like I do) and be able to say, "Been there, done that," try Black Friday shopping. It's pretty fun.
The reasons are as varied as the people shopping. Most of the people I know who do it do it for the experience, the tradition like I do. They go out with friends or family and are there to have fun. Most of those people enjoy shopping and the hustle and bustle of the crowds.

There are people who feel they MUST shop on that day in order to be able to afford a "nice" Christmas for their family.

There are people who are incredibly motivated by consumerism (MOST people, truth be told) and one might argue the people in the previous category are as well.

There are people who get a high from snagging a good deal.

And on and on. Mix them all together and you have black friday madness.
I think with the economy, it will be black Friday throughout the whole Christmas Holiday. When DH went on disability, our Xmas shopping for the whole family ended, but I always am on the look out for bargains, just not going out on Friday this year. Let's just think good thoughts that everyone has a job and a roof over their heads and food on the table. We are living in scary times.
LOL! My MIL gets that from Kohls. 'OH! If I spend $100 at Kohls I get $10 Kohls cash!!!'
My SO and I call her Kohls Cash Kohls Crack!

Kohls had some big sale this past weekend and she just HAD to go! Even though she doesnt need anything...
It is worth it if I make the list of things I want my hubbie to pick up, he leaves at like 4 a.m. and I stay home with the kids!

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