Black Jersey Giant thread!!!!!

I have 3 hens and 1 rooster got rid of 3 roosters pick at hens too much ..they will be one yr old feb and only got eggs.. they eat very well and good.. not happy with them..will pick another breed in spring.. the rooster I have left handsome big but nasty..
Hi! I got a BJ roo as a chick in April. By now he is 6 months old. I know they mature very slowly, but can't seem to find out just how slowly. I am in no hurry, but am interested to know at about what age he will start to crow...and grow. He is a hatchery chicken, but does have yellow feet. So far he is about the same size as a similar aged astralorp hen. I will try to post a pic or two later this week. Any advise will be appreciated!
got bjgs chicks in feb. by may rooster crowing. he is very nasty soup pot soon. the only think I find true about them they eat a spring will change up for another breed.. have speck sussex love them ..I am think buckeyes.
Just got 5 jersey giant chicks. Finally! 4 hens one roo.
. I'll post pics soon.
I have some two month old Jersey Giants. I was wondering how long they take to mature since they are supposed to have a longer growth period.
Hi! I have asked about my "roo", but am not sure if he is a she! :) I finally took a few pics and I hope they are good enough for you all to help me out. This is my first roo, he is about the same size as my Black Australorp, they are both about 7 months old. BJG his feet are very yellow on the bottom, doesn't crow, and doesn't look like a roo to me, buy I have been told they are quite slow to mature. Anyway, here are the pics. Thank you in advance for your thoughts!
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Hello, The only thing I know is at the age of 5 months, which my JG's are right now, is that my two roosters have very large crowns on them already; unlike your small one. Also, your JG does not seem to have the tail feathers of a rooster. My guess would be it's a hen. Does anyone else here know for sure?
Thank you! That is what I was thinking. Who'd have thought I'd get a hen when I wanted a roo!? Usually it happens the other way around. Any idea when I might see some eggs?

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