Bless Their Heart... And Other Southern Sayings

One of my dad's favorite saying when someone was talking too much "he's/she's as windy as a bag of b*ttholes"
Lest we not forget "Up a creek without a paddle"... though my Murphy's Law Abiding self I say "Up the creek without a boat"

As to car parts... TRUNK, as in suitcase, used to be strapped to the back/top of a carriage. Thus when the carriages started having built in storage compartments (no straps needed) it was called a trunk... leastways that's MY theory.

The Dash, this the surface above all the whozits and wheels that gets hotter than hades. Also home to bobble head dogs, incense crowns, and hula girls.

The GLOVE BOX is where your driving gloves (back when those and goggles were needed) were stored for safe keeping.

But I do occasionally make a comment about the boot just to annoy people.
Ohhh and the lift... and the bumbershoot... and the dog & bone... I know, I know I should grow up, but confusing my sister (even a simple two syllable word like malice confuses her) and my country cousins has always been a weakness of mine.

Slicker than snot on a doorknob...
All the teats on a ___ ones...
Well dog my cat!
Blind as a brick bat (that's a FIL special)
Kiss my grits.
Son of a Billy Goat... or Son of a Biscuit Eater...

OHHH and my Granny will NOT say the word fork... not when she's outside of her native Maine anyways... she'll ask you to pass "The thing with the pointy things" instead... for those who've not run across this one before... she sorta slurs her R's... they're just not really there, but sort of are... if that makes sense? Park the car is more like Pawk the caw... so, you can see why she doesn't blurt out fork in public...

I'ma have to chew on this one a bit and see what others come to mind... born in Ark, few years there, few in Louisiana, then Texas from age 5 on... DH is all Texan... but his dad's kin are all Upstate NY Yankees... OMG you should have seen their faces when I brought some greens to Thanksgiving... his mom is from Mississippi ... so YEAH, a pretty varied mix around here.
OH NO!! maybe my children are right... I say britches and drawrs.. all the time... and I just told my daughter she doesn't have a pot to pee in.. so what makes her think she can go out and buy a new car....
She pees in my pot!!!
That is also normal in Michigan. Hearses will go through red lights here, along with the cars behind in the funeral procession. All the cars involved have an orange flag stuck to them.

They do not do it in Michigan like they do in most parts of the south. All the funerals that I have witness and been a part of in Tenn... We would have police escorts... and the regular public people would not drive by the funeral procession but they would park on the side of the road....Get out of their car or truck.... men would take off their hats and place them over their hearts as a sign of respect.... I have never seen anythiing like that here in Michigan.....shoot here in Macomb... they will speed by and I have seen a few fly right in front of the hearse... because they were in too big of a hurry!! A shame people can't take a few minutes of their time to pay respects.

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