Bless Their Heart... And Other Southern Sayings

She's slower than Black Strap (mollasses) in january! But I'd rather sandpaper a bobcats rear than fend 'er. She'll tan your hide quicker then a rattler! Yes'm I hered ya. No, I twernt lolly gaggin. I jus didn't pay it no mind. I'm so fas I can twist the nob an be in bed for the light goes out! I'll gett'r done! ( befor Cable guy) LOL Ya'll get on outta here for I strap all of ya! I'm gone like the wind!

God Bless!
You guys got me me gigglin' today, goodness I love the south.

Two I haven't seen on the list:
'Yer in the short rows now.' Translation: Almost finished.

And when I was in my teens and my sweet southern grandma (we called her 'MeMaw') caught me wearing something she didn't deem appropriate she'd say really quickly...'Hidjace, hidjace, hidjace' Translation: Hide your a**, hide your a**, hide your a**.
Some of my favorites are:

You're a liar = That old dog don't hunt or OOOOH he lies like a rug!
I need some..... = I gotta gitmesumo'that
Tripped on something = I dun tore my toe off'nat stob
Ugly = Plain as a mud fence
Don't be mean to your sister = Doanchoobeuglynowy'hear?
Stupid = Dummer'ndirt
Drunk = Drunker'n Cootie Brown

I'ma fittin to tear yo' haid off
I'll get back to you 'shortly' Shortly = 5 secs to never
A ghost = a haint (haunt) As in, Doanchoo worry 'bout it none, he's jus' a haint

Oh some just make my skin crawl too:
fillycolt..or if you're from S.E. Oklahoma a fillycoat, I eated me 5 bow's a cereal.....

And my all time favorite:

Patricianannie, this here's yer mother speakin'!

Ya don't say? Bless your heart.....
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My freinds Aunt Sadie used to say :yall got a letter in yer in yer mailbox....thats a wedgie!

Or for women getting on in age she'd say well I'lljess tuck em in my waistband and be on my way. meaning your chest.
Ooh, i LOVE "water my butt and call me a biscuit"!

On accents-- we were making fun of a guard at a Canadian post in WA state (dumb as a post, bless his heart). He had asked a lady where did she "derive her Canadian passport." The grammar offended her. However, if she'd had a good southern accent she could have replied "De-rive it?!?! why i didn't de-rive it anywhere, I flew with it on a airplane!"

--NC native
You have made my day, all of you. Reading these posts has been a walk down memory lane. My dad was from South Carolina and even though he lived in CA for thirty years, I grew up listening to a lot of the sayings. He would end every conversation with"Ya'll be good, and don't forget to bring the dogs in." Our son is now living in S.C., so it has started all over again...
Have any of you been told you are "looking a little peaked today", when you are pale or sick looking?
I use that all the time! Again...thanks Dad. My students even use it now. Just passing it along to a new generation.

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