Blood in poop


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 6, 2014
I got 10 assorted marans yesterday ranging from a couple weeks to 4 weeks. The breeder I got them from had many chicks all in the same pen outside. He fed them cracked corn (don't think they have ever gotten chick feed or immunizations).

When we brought them home we noticed they smelled horrible. I am assuming it was their poop, but could be just them that stink (I have raised many chicks and they just don't smell right). I noticed before I went to bed that in one dropping there was some blood. They are all active and eating and drinking. None of the other droppings had any.

Should I assume this might be coccidiosis and just treat with corid? Or do you think that it may have just been the conditions, stress, and food they had eaten? I'm going to get medicated chick feed today. I only have unmedicated right now for my other birds (who are outside away from these newbies).
I would worry about coccidiosis and also infection due to the bad smell. Also check for mites/lice would be my advice. Monitor for worms as well. Basically their health sounds very poor for them to smell bad. A chicken should smell like fresh sunshine.

If it were me I would be treating with Corid due to the bloody poo.
Is there any harm in treating with corid just as a precaution? Even if it may not be cocci?
Corid (amprollium) is very safe, and yes I would treat all of those birds right away. If coccidiosis goes on, they are likely to develop enteritis, especially on the diet they were being fed. Cocci is even more dangerous when changing to a new home with different soil. Get them on a good chick starter/grower that contains 20% protein, and feed the freely. Make sure they are drinking well, or feed them a few drops of undiluted Corid a couple of times daily.

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