Blood or coccidiosis or ...?


5 Years
Feb 26, 2018
We recently noticed what appears to be some spots of blood below our chicken perch and on top of their water dispenser (pictures attached). We're pretty sure we know which bird (Nugget) it's coming from since she likes to set on the water dispenser when it's cold out since it's heated. :) However, we can't find any source of injury so we're wondering if it might be a sign of coccidiosis.

Any insight anyone may have would be greatly appreciated.



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Looks like blood drops, possible someone got hurt? Does not look like blood in the poop, any other symptoms? Have you checked her vent area for blood? Is she lethargic? Eating? Drinking? Check everyone for injuries...
Thanks for the input everyone! We looked over our girl and didn't find any evidence of an injury. Her vent looks good, eyes are clear, eating and drinking well, and she's acting completely normal.

The pictures might make it look like a bit more blood than there actual is due to the extreme zoom. We cleaned up the blotches and will recheck everything, including all of our flock, in the morning.
There hasn't been any more sign of blood. We've been keeping an extra close eye on everyone and they all look good. We did notice on one of our girls that the end of one of her toes/claws was missing. It's scabbed over and looks to be healing fine but we suspect that's where the blood was coming from.

Thanks again to everyone that responded!

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