Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!


My 3.5 week old blue laced red Wyandotte. I like this thread and am excited to see just how beautiful this one gets in time.
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This pullet laid her first egg today. We hatched her from our chickens. Im really proud of the the way her lacing has turned out so far.
Her lacing is gorgeous 😍 what a pretty girl! Mine is close to laying age too!

This is my sweet lady, she’s about 18 weeks old. ❤️

Three Blue Lace Red Wyandotte Chicks. What do you think, about 2 weeks old? There were lots of hatching delays with the batch of chicks from a certain place and I guess these hatched and they had to reset my Ameraucanas eggs, so I got my Wyandotte and Cochins a bit older. Fine by me. lol

I love how they blend with the leaves. (these were straight run, so I don't know what I got. One is lighter in color than the other two. But I don't know much about what they should look like to know if you can sex them by that.)

These are my first Wyandottes. I also got some golden and silver laced. I can't wait till everyone is up and running around the backyard. So pretty!
I am sure he is a nice pet.
I appreciate comments like this. It is refreshing and honest.
If you are going to post a picture on a BLRW thread of a bird that doesn't show an accurate representation of what the breed should be, then be prepared to hear other peoples comments. Especially if you ask for them. He is a "pet quality" BLRW. There are many people working very hard to move this breed forward and I have personally seen way too many birds on here that are a disgrace to this breed. If we aren't honest with people about the quality of their birds (especially when asking) then people won't learn. If the owner was considering breeding this bird and everyone on here said "nice roo" then they may feel more inclined to do so. Which would only add to the gene pool more BLRWs that do not give a good representation of this breed, thus moving it backwards instead of forward.
I am by no means suggesting people should be rude! (And if I came across as such, I'm sorry!) There is always a nice way to say something honestly. Delisha's comment was in my opinion nice.
That all said, I am the proud owner of several "pet quality" BLRWs and LOVE them just the same! However, I would never breed them and I have been open to opinions when posting my birds on this thread. I hope everyone would be honest with me when I'm asking for opinions, it's how I learn.
This is not for anyone in particular, this is for everyone as a reminder. It is my opinion and nothing more.

One of the most important part of animal husbandry for chickens is butchering and killing. It is not fair or responsible to give the burden of an ill or unwanted bird to someone else. The spread of disease is rampant from irresponsible owners. It is not fair to the bird to allow it to suffer until its dead either. That is poor management and poor planning and simply poor animal husbandry. Chickens do not live a long life and are not pets in the pet sense. Vet care is expensive and most do not take chickens to a vet.Most vets have 0 knowledge about chickens. Being prepared for unwanted males and illness and injury is part of owning birds. Right now animal shelters are over flowing with unwanted chickens. It is a shame. We have turned into disposable keepers. We dump off dogs that pee on the rug and chickens that have the wrong sex. What is wrong with this picture?

If you can't have a female
If you can't cull out of humanity..find someone who will
know what you are getting into before you get into it.
I don't use the word roo, but I also double space after every period, don't use letters for words (like "U" for "you") and really don't use any slang at all. I don't think it makes me more of a serious just makes me old. If I never sold chicks/chickens to people who used slang and abbreviations in their texts then I wouldn't sell many chickens. And what's with music today? It's all just noise! Hold on...I have to go yell at some kids to get off my lawn...

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