Blue Orpingtons 27 Weeks Old-Suede and His Ladies(PICS)


Hummm.... Maybe we can do a little Suede and ladies eggs for Hotwing and ladies eggs... They are beautiful!!! I LOVE blue.
Well, we maybe could try that in the spring, Carri. Spring seems so far away right now! I'd love to have a couple of pullets from your beautiful boy. I'm betting I have some broodies in the spring and I plan to give them eggs to sit on-no more breaking up broodies for me. How many BLRW girls did you have with Hotwing, sorry, I can't recall?
Yes, next spring sounds far away but I'm done with babies this year!!! Besides, I have to get Hotwing and his ladies their own coop so the eggs are pure.

I have Nugget..... (with her friend Buddy the Buttercup)


And Potpie,
who still has some growing to do.

I hear that! I'm done with babies, too, unless I get a persistant broody, then I'm going to let her raise them and if she can keep them safe and do it all herself, then great. So, if we're still on the same track in the spring, maybe we can do a swap ourselves, huh? Sounds good to me!
I can just hear myself saying to the new girls, "Your mom was a potpie and your mom was a nugget and your dad, well, he was quite the hotwing! Now, settle down, Fricasee and Kiev, and eat!"
Certainly! Just let me know when as the time gets closer. If you want me to put you officially in my order book under "Tentative Customers for Spring 2008", just email me your full name, address and phone and I'll write you in. I'm just doing that so I can keep track of anyone who has expressed a serious interest in Suede babies.
I'm sure you will, with your imagination. I particularly love Hotwing's deeper color tones. Wonder what will pop out when paired with your young ladies, hmm? Something wonderful, I'm sure. I already have three SLWs and I love them.

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