Bone (?) growing out of her wattles?

Great news! The vet put her tongue back and stitched her up! Give me antibiotics and pain meds. I have to keep her inside the house for 24 hours in her carrier because it’s 10° outside. Tomorrow afternoon she can transition back to the coop in a separate area so that she can recuperate without getting injured by the other chickens. She drank some water and ate a little food. She has lost a lot of weight and I’m hoping she can get some put back on soon. For those of you who are curious, total vet charges with meds came to $185.
FanTAStic News!!
And cheap!
Was the tongue wholly 'alive'?
Great news! The vet put her tongue back and stitched her up! Give me antibiotics and pain meds. I have to keep her inside the house for 24 hours in her carrier because it’s 10° outside. Tomorrow afternoon she can transition back to the coop in a separate area so that she can recuperate without getting injured by the other chickens. She drank some water and ate a little food. She has lost a lot of weight and I’m hoping she can get some put back on soon. For those of you who are curious, total vet charges with meds came to $185.
This is wonderful news!!!
Great news! The vet put her tongue back and stitched her up! Give me antibiotics and pain meds. I have to keep her inside the house for 24 hours in her carrier because it’s 10° outside. Tomorrow afternoon she can transition back to the coop in a separate area so that she can recuperate without getting injured by the other chickens. She drank some water and ate a little food. She has lost a lot of weight and I’m hoping she can get some put back on soon. For those of you who are curious, total vet charges with meds came to $185.
i just read the thread! i'm so glad the vet was able to put her tongue back! i hope she feels better soon :)

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