Brahma Breeders thread

Thank you again , I'm going to try this feeding methord. All five of my babies are on the thin side though they eat like Crazy, I feed them 4 quarts at a feeding which I have left over two days.I like them to be like me a bit stout!
I have a couple mason jars I'll try this in. The boys really don't posture with each other. They're all pretty calm until I toss out some yummies they like lol. Then they go ballistic lmbo. Yes I have looked at the Speckled Sussex. They're really nice looking but I already worry big time about these Brahmas and the heat we get during the Summer. We're still up in the midto upper 80s. The Naked Necks are supposed to do really well in the heat we get. With the lesser feathers they have they can really take the heat. I have been putting frozen water bottles, changing their water 3 to 4 times a day, had a fan with an ice pack I velcro strapped to the from and had a sprinkler on the roop of the coop to keep them cool this last summer. Heck I was even out there every couple hours at night too because I was afraid that the heat would get to them.
Mine are little sweeties. Even the boys are. I only had some "infighting" when I had separated them from the girls. I think the girls are dominant over the boys and keep them in line some. Even when I have to remove them from their chosen roosts they don't do anything except squawk at me. Then they go in their coop and quiet down. They do think. Even though they have little heads they use what brains they have. I can literally see them thinking by the way they move their heads and their expressions. Yes my chickies have different expressions. I swear Madea raises her brows when she doesn't like something as if she's saying "oh no you just didn't". They've figured out where I bury some "yummies" in the compost heap, watched me move some rocks and started kicking some out for me to move, and they've started figuring out that if they poop in 1 of the "egg boxes" that I'll clean it almost like a cat with a litter box so their shavings stay cleaner longer. Skye is the one that started that and the rest followed her lead. Even the boys do it. I use 18 gallon plastic bins so I can just take the lids off to check for any eggs. I'm just now starting to have a bit of a problem with bugs so I'm going to have to get something stronger than FGDE. I'm going to trim my rosemary plant tomorrow and toss some in the coop. I've heard it helps with keeping bugs out. It's starting to get chilly at night so bugs are trying to come in. Ugh, I hate bugs. The chickies like them though. They're trying to figure out how to get to them under the walls of the coop. They'll either figure it out, or I'll take care of it. What's y'alls solutions for keeping bugs out of your chicken coops? Oh just so y'all understand, my Brahmas are staying here. The 2 Brahma cockerels are staying also. So any chicks I hatch will have a Brahma daddy. Be it from my 3 Brahma girls, or whatever other pullets I get. That just means some will be pure, and others will be mix breed. Herrrm might get something interesting out of any mix I do lol. All boys except my 2 I have now will be going in the pot until I decide to get a new Brahma cockerel, or rooster. So I'll still have DesertBrahmas lol. I'm just going to have to be careful what breeds of pullets to get.
Mine are little sweeties. Even the boys are. I only had some "infighting" when I had separated them from the girls. I think the girls are dominant over the boys and keep them in line some. Even when I have to remove them from their chosen roosts they don't do anything except squawk at me. Then they go in their coop and quiet down. They do think. Even though they have little heads they use what brains they have. I can literally see them thinking by the way they move their heads and their expressions. Yes my chickies have different expressions. I swear Madea raises her brows when she doesn't like something as if she's saying "oh no you just didn't". They've figured out where I bury some "yummies" in the compost heap, watched me move some rocks and started kicking some out for me to move, and they've started figuring out that if they poop in 1 of the "egg boxes" that I'll clean it almost like a cat with a litter box so their shavings stay cleaner longer. Skye is the one that started that and the rest followed her lead. Even the boys do it. I use 18 gallon plastic bins so I can just take the lids off to check for any eggs. I'm just now starting to have a bit of a problem with bugs so I'm going to have to get something stronger than FGDE. I'm going to trim my rosemary plant tomorrow and toss some in the coop. I've heard it helps with keeping bugs out. It's starting to get chilly at night so bugs are trying to come in. Ugh, I hate bugs. The chickies like them though. They're trying to figure out how to get to them under the walls of the coop. They'll either figure it out, or I'll take care of it. What's y'alls solutions for keeping bugs out of your chicken coops? Oh just so y'all understand, my Brahmas are staying here. The 2 Brahma cockerels are staying also. So any chicks I hatch will have a Brahma daddy. Be it from my 3 Brahma girls, or whatever other pullets I get. That just means some will be pure, and others will be mix breed. Herrrm might get something interesting out of any mix I do lol. All boys except my 2 I have now will be going in the pot until I decide to get a new Brahma cockerel, or rooster. So I'll still have DesertBrahmas lol. I'm just going to have to be careful what breeds of pullets to get.

Wood ash can be great for keeping pests out of the coop. I keep a pan of it in the brooder for the babies to bathe in and they love it. Worth a try if you have a fireplace and ashes all winter. :)
I have a gas furnace. I don't use my chimanea that much either. I'll have to see what I can find that is natural but WORKS. I don't want to start spraying a bunch of chemicals out there, and get the poor things sick. I'm trying to keep them as organic ish as I can afford.
OH MY GOODNESS, OH MY GOODNESS! I have been checking the egg boxes, and the coop for a while now and haven't found anything. I decided to give my chickies some scratch after letting them out this morning and my Madea started going into an area I've seen her going to a lot lately. She hunkered down in this area under some old branches I had stacked up. I moved them, picked her up and found not 1 but 3 perfectly formed eggs! She made herself a nice little secure nest and was stashing eggs. I ran as fast as my jacked up leg would let me to show my husband and boys. The boys were more excited than my hubby was lol. I am so happy! Evereste and Skye didn't want to leave the coop this morning so I'm going to have to make them poor dears. The 2 cockerel boys have been sticking close to Madea except to herd the 2 younger ones where they want them.
went to the show at fayette fair grounds this morning, not many brahma's there but mostly lights and a few buffs, what i saw were big and gorgeous, ended up buying a light cock from the aldrich's altho i don't have any lights, will have to try to find some good quality hens or eggs in the spring, now i know what a big brahma is, this one is also a gentle giant
went to the show at fayette fair grounds this morning, not many brahma's there but mostly lights and a few buffs, what i saw were big and gorgeous, ended up buying a light cock from the aldrich's altho i don't have any lights, will have to try to find some good quality hens or eggs in the spring, now i know what a big brahma is, this one is also a gentle giant

Are you talking about sale birds, or both show and sale birds ? I was curious how this AI scare was going to affect attendance.

If this was anything like a normal Brahma National, I would imagine the sale birds left on a Sunday morning was a fraction of the Brahmas that were there Friday afternoon. If you don't have something prearranged with a breeder, it pays to get to a show as early as possible.

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