Brahma Thread

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Thanks, they are one of my favorite breeds. So pretty, i just want one of them to go broody so i can stick ALOT of eggs under them.

I love my brahmas, they are just hatchery stock but they are the sweetest birds I have. Your lights are so clean, mine free range and always look dirty. course dust bathing doesn't make for the cleanest birds especially when white.
Thanks, they are one of my favorite breeds. So pretty, i just want one of them to go broody so i can stick ALOT of eggs under them.

I love my brahmas, they are just hatchery stock but they are the sweetest birds I have. Your lights are so clean, mine free range and always look dirty. course dust bathing doesn't make for the cleanest birds especially when white.

Ya mine can get dirty, I freerange them too and they are actually dustbathing in those pics. Mine are only hatchery stock to but i love them just the same.
I love my brahmas, they are just hatchery stock but they are the sweetest birds I have. Your lights are so clean, mine free range and always look dirty. course dust bathing doesn't make for the cleanest birds especially when white.

Ya mine can get dirty, I freerange them too and they are actually dustbathing in those pics. Mine are only hatchery stock to but i love them just the same.

How old are your lights? I have 5 that will be 2 this oct. 1 light, 4 buffs, and a light that is 1yr. mine have never gone broody. but another hen of mine did brood the light that will be 1.
heres 3 of my buffs

one of my lights....this is the daughter to my light with her first chicks
sorry don't take very good pictures.
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Here is my favorite Dark Pullet from this years hatch. Can't wait to show her at the Inverness shows. She hatched around the first of February...


My Favorite Partridge Pullet
Love the dark pullet Matt. What do you feed your large birds? How long do you leave them on chick starter? How soon can you tell if a large bird has a good head?

We hatched 8 from eggs from Carole, 4 Ks and four Ps. I'm having problems downloading photos from my camera. When I get it figured out(as soon as my daughter fixes it for me) I'll post photos for your opinion. Are you going to Crossroads?
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Not going to crossroads, I just got back from Vacation in TN. That's about all the traveling I can afford with gas being $3.65 a gallon. I am hoping some other florida people are going and dont mind bringing me back a nice dark pair from the show...

I give my guys starter for about 4 months (a little longer than most) as it has way more protein. Then I switch them to Gamebird feed and anything else they will eat. With the large birds I have been told FEED FEED FEED so that is what I do. Twice a week I soak dog/cat food and give them that instead of their normal rations. I give sunflower seeds (when they are not astronomical, like now) and lots of kitchen scraps. I try to range my flock a little daily too. Electrolytes three times a week and Gatorade when it is hot.

Most of my chicks have come out with good heads, my Roo's brow is pretty good and so are most of my hens. I hatched 24 Dark chicks this year and am keeping 7 Pullets. I didnt get fantastic roo's, at least nothing better than their father, but the pullets have been outstanding and I am pleased with their size, heads and lacing. Hope the judges like them too!

I lost 4, sold 4 and gave some to a friend, but what I kept were my picks. Their tails are coming on and as soon as they fatten up, I am sure I will see much improvement in the "U" of their tails. They are only 5 months old, so they have a lot of maturing to do, but I am pleased with them at this point.

What has been even better for me is the improvement I made on my F2 Partridge birds. That pullet is JUST as big as my dark show girls and I was concerned about size moving forward.
Thanks Matt. Thats exactly how i feed my bantams, I just thought maybe I should be doing something different with the big birds. I feed my adult bantams 20% gamebird breeder ration. My large darks have nice "beetle brows" the heads just seem a little narrow. Of course I am comparing them to my bantams which I am sure is a mistake. The bantams mature very quickly. I have heard from you and everyone who raises the big birds how slow they are to mature. I just need to get a few larges grown for experience. Sorry you are missing Crossroads. Chad and I and one other guy are going together to split expenses three ways. Maybe you could find someone to ride with.

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