Brahma Thread

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My HUGE (dark blue???) partridge boys -- next to a 5 gal waterer -- I think they're around 3 or 4 months. I can't wait to see how big they get!

I've been devouring this thread since I got my buffs and am AMAZED by all your gorgeous birds. I've learned a lot about the breed, too, so thanks for your many tips on feeding, behavior, etc. I wondered if you'd weigh in on the gender of one of my hatchery buffs. I showed her to you a while ago, but it was too early to tell.

She's 16 weeks old today. She is slightly less "fluffy" on her back than my other two, and her tail is shaped a little differently, but I was hoping that was just normal variation.

Here are four shots of Cleo:





I posted her also under the gender thread, but would really like you experts on Brahmas to weigh in if you wouldn't mind. Thanks so much!
thats a pullet hun
the shape is from where hatcheries tend to mix in other breeds to up egg production - you see it alot. I have 6 hatcher darks, most have pretty good hineys but a hen and the roo have a bit of that noticable upward V tail you see in the other production breeds.

she is super cute - I want to add a buff or two to my brahmas.
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She is cute Carolyn.... laced out well for a three month old. I have a Trio of 3 month old Partridge and 6 - 2 month old pullets. They are fun. The picture I posted of the Partridge Roo is her sire...
The Partridge Birds are still a HUGE work in progress. Maybe some of you with Partridge coloring can share your birds strengths and weaknesses. For me Hen size is an issue and width of head. I am setting up a Breeding Pen of my older Dark Showgirls and my Partridge Roo to see if I can bring in better heads and size in the pullets that way... the Partridge and Darks seem to breed similar to the Buff and Lights, so I am going to test it this summer.
Afternoon All... nice pics of your birdies. I want to share a couple pics of my 6 1/2 year old women coming in for a treat...


My hens have been wonderful and have a place here on the hill as long as that is!


Brahams truly are the magestic ones. These hens are resting now, but provided nice eggs for a few months this spring into summer.
I'm sure they will lay more next spring, like always. Nice breed for sure!
Thanks SO MUCH, Cubakid and Scaredofshadows! I'm still learning, and I so appreciate your help figuring her out! I'm doubly happy because she and her two sisters are quickly becoming favorites around here. They are calm and patient and SOOO friendly. I'm loving Brahmas more and more!

Bigzio, those are some gorgeous lights! And 6 1/2 years?! Brahmas stick around a while. I guess I'm safe getting attached!

Thanks again, all!
Here are a few photos of my bantam dark brahma, she's breeder quality... and yes, those are vulture hocks
Could you tell me what you think of her otherwise?


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