Brahma Thread

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12-16. Last year I was always able to send 16. I have six females. I save eggs all week. I place them on a turner, and set them every Sunday. When I sell them I do the same thing. I just package them on Sunday and mail them Monday. shipping is around 15 bucks, that would be included in the sixty. Pay-pal gets a couple of bucks too. I package the eggs very well also. I get 42-43 bucks after all that. The birds have several years of good breeding in them and the chicks from the eggs are from the same pen I raise/show/breed out of. I know eggs are a gamble. Most people who bought from me last year did very well. I have had SEVERAL contact me to let me know of their success in the showroom from my eggs.


Are you offering eggs? I want some... Can you PM me

They have slowed down too much, and two are trying to go broody. I can't commit to filling any orders now.
I'm back after the winter break, eggs are now coming back so I'm getting my breeding hat back on!

I have managed to develop a lovely blue double laced gold (sort of colouring) - it's so special I thought I'd show you (apologies for the bad pics, lighting here is shocking due to the weather, and chickens, weather and camera all playing ball NEVER happens for me), also my nearly fully feathered roo, leafy, he moulted HARD this winter bless him:

I have bred a lovely pure black pullet (crossed for black on both parent's sides) - she is still very young and I don't expect eggs until May or June, but she shines the deepest purple and green tones in the sunshine, she may be my favourite depending on how she fills out:

I can't believe how clean everyone's birds are looking! Mine are a real sight after the winter. See my big hen, (and boy, she is BIG) I'm hoping that a spell of dry weather will give her chest feathers a chance to recover. They like to find the one bush in my yard and lie under it. Mad.

Morning everyone,

Does anyone know of and/or have contact information on a breeder of LF Light and Dark Brahmas? I'm trying to improve my hatchery's. Thanks.
hi guys,
i went to the newnan show this past saturday.i walked thru the isles of chickens and only one really stopped me in my was a huge brahma.i was so busy looking at him i didn't read the card and now i am not sure what variety he first i thought he was a partridge but his red was not as red as my partridge rocks.his colors had such vibrant we have gold brahmas ?what ever he was ,i want some.
dinah thats my bird and he is a partridge. His name is Stormy He does make an impression. As I was carrying him in I had several people comment on his colors. I always call him a gold partridge as that is what the breeder said he was. Hes only 13 months old so he has some growing to do.
I am so excited, I'm in Mahonri's Eater hatch, and I just got off the phone to a guy here in N Ireland, he is posting me Lemon Pyle, Darks and PEARL PARTRIDGE eggs for the hatch! I am delighted, I really needed some new colours and now I am mega happy!
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