Brahma Thread

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consider this a reply to all the advice above. Thanks so much for the advice. That helps a lot. The only difference with the Brahmas was the feed and the fact that their shipping was delayed and due to horrible scanning and information from the USPS it's very unclear just exactly where they were when no one could find them causing the 20 hour delay. Clearly they were stressed. compared to my other chicks definitely lethargic. so, perhaps the game bird feed on top was too much or just one of many factors. I would have never have though of it but this local breeder told me to do so. I have gone back to giving them the medicated starter with about 20% of the game bird just so as not to completely change it, not sure if it matters. Still have six left. At least 5 of those have grown quite a bit and seem good. One doesn't seem to be growing much. only that one still has pasty butt that I clean each day. I did add vitamins to the water.

Oh, and the seller did finally get back to me and assured me that all his chicks and others he has mailed have been fine, so it's either they got chilled or the game bird feed or the combo of the both. He actually agreed to replace the 5 chicks if I pay shipping. but now I would have to add 10 more chicks at cost to me so I'm not sure yet if I will do it. I hope the remaining little guys stay strong!!

You all are amazing. I appreciate the advice.
Gamebird starter is typically about 26-27% protien, TOO much for most chicks. Were you feeding your 60 chicks that did not die the same feed? That might give you a clue. I feed my adult birds 20% gamebird breeder ration. The pasty butt might be an indication the high protein was more than they could handle. Regular medicated chick starter is just fine. Thats the main reason I stopped selling eggs. Its always the sellers fault when an egg does not hatch or a chick dies. Buyers NEVER do anything stupid. JMHO

Thanks for the input. That is why I posted on this thread to find out if I did indeed do something stupid!! :) I have never feed any chicks game bird starter before. Ha, now I have an entire 50# bag. I'll just mix it in with the other feed at a smaller percentage.
We've fed our Light Brahma chicks medicated chick starter, 18% protein. We haven't had any problems with pasting and no losses.

So sorry to hear about your experience! Hope those that are left grow into happy, healthy birds!
Thanks for the input. That is why I posted on this thread to find out if I did indeed do something stupid!! :) I have never feed any chicks game bird starter before. Ha, now I have an entire 50# bag. I'll just mix it in with the other feed at a smaller percentage.

I have made every stupid mistake, including feeding chicks Gamebird starter. Its just too rough on their little systems in my experence. Join the American Brahma Club. Go to a local show. Talk to Brahma breeders there. I use that Sav-A-Chick stuff you can get at TSC. One packet per gallon of water. I use it till my birds are about six weeks old. I mostly raise Bantam brahmas,(buff, light and dark) and a few large darks. I am subscribed to this thread, I don't post much. Only when I think someone is serious about Brahmas...I detect that in you.

Tim Lindenborn
I have made every stupid mistake, including feeding chicks Gamebird starter. Its just too rough on their little systems in my experence. Join the American Brahma Club. Go to a local show. Talk to Brahma breeders there. I use that Sav-A-Chick stuff you can get at TSC. One packet per gallon of water. I use it till my birds are about six weeks old. I mostly raise Bantam brahmas,(buff, light and dark) and a few large darks. I am subscribed to this thread, I don't post much. Only when I think someone is serious about Brahmas...I detect that in you.

Tim Lindenborn
I just sent you a message about chick color. Glad you mentioned the American Brahma Club. My son wants to join. Do they have a junior group? We only have the bantams no LF Brahmas. So is the web site the best info. I have been checking the Poultry Press of up coming meets, thinking that would be a great place for him to join. I think the Ohio show is the best one for us. I guess the web site would tell me all this.
I just sent you a message about chick color. Glad you mentioned the American Brahma Club. My son wants to join. Do they have a junior group? We only have the bantams no LF Brahmas. So is the web site the best info. I have been checking the Poultry Press of up coming meets, thinking that would be a great place for him to join. I think the Ohio show is the best one for us. I guess the web site would tell me all this.
I got your question and replied Kari. I'm not sure about a Junior group. I do know the club has Junior awards(money and plaques) at the Brahma National every year. I think it will be in Ohio this year. The ABC puts out a quarterly newsletter called "The Scanner". It is chock full of good information. The forum on our website is a good place to ask Brahma questions. Its mostly serious exhibitors that frequent that site. No chicken kissing there. Go with thick skin, people are honest there and that can come accross as rude or mean(they are not). I personnally appreciate candor.

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