brand new baby chick attacked?


9 Years
Jun 20, 2010
my neighbor is out of town and im taking care of her chickens. well yesterday i noticed one of the chickens had a baby. and today when i came to collect the eggs i found the baby just laying on the ground about 3 feet away from its nest.... but its still breathing and every once in a while i hear a peep. im trying to keep it warm. but it cant walk and its neck is flops whenever i pick it up. and only one eye will open every once in a while.... -_- i tried to give it water and iono if i should try to feed it... or what to feed it... or should i just stop worrying bc its going to die?

how its keeps laying.. is it bc its dying?


its skin is gone... my mom told me to put hydrogen peroxide....

I am so sorry about the baby chick. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I don't think it will make it. I have had 2 baby chicks attaked this week by other hens & they did not make it. I don't know why the hens do it, but sometimes they do attack the babies. I have found it best to seperate the babies when they are about 1 day old. I hate doing it, but I hate for them to get pecked to death. I am not sure what to tell you to do about your chick. Maybe just keep it warm & comfortable until it passes.
i dont mind if you tell me to just let it go bc its gonna die. i just want to know if thats the case or if i should be doing something else...O_O
thanks.... we have bunnies too and i had to do this a week ago for one of the babies. -_-

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