Brand new baby chick, when do I give food and water?

This is a silkie bantam chick, and I can tell is going to be smaller than the little guys at the feed store. Do you think they’d get along ok despite the size difference?

Last month, I had a lone serama chick hatch (long story), and went to the feed store to get her a friend. I ended up with a golden laced wyandotte, which are much bigger than seramas (which are the smallest breed in the world). One month later, they are inseparable. As long as you introduce them to each other as young chicks, there should be no size related issues.
Last month, I had a lone serama chick hatch (long story), and went to the feed store to get her a friend. I ended up with a golden laced wyandotte, which are much bigger than seramas (which are the smallest breed in the world). One month later, they are inseparable. As long as you introduce them to each other as young chicks, there should be no size related issues.
Thank you! My local feed store is getting a few different breeds in tomorrow...cochin, ameraucana, and feather footed maran. I think I’m going to get a Cochin? They look really cute. I’m excited for my chick to have a friend!
I offer food and water as soon as they have dried off and moved to the brooder. Make sure to gently dip their beak in the water when you first put it in the brooder, so the chick knows where they can find it. 95 F is a good temperature to start at, and then decrease by 5 F every week. It is likely that your new chick will spend a lot of her time chirping, until a friend hatches for her. Hold her as much as you can to keep her company.

Good luck with your new baby! Ask as many questions as you like, that's what we're here for!
I have a brand new baby, hatched today, under a heat lamp. I am not the most prepared, because I had planned for my hen to raise her chicks...but then she accidentally killed the first one that hatched this weekend. As soon as I heard chirping from the coop, I ran out and brought it inside under my lamp. I thought for sure this baby was dead inside the egg, because she’s a day overdue. I’m shocked to have a chick on the house right now! Should I give water tonight? Should I put crumbles of starter food out? Is 95 a good temp or is that too cold? She looks a little damp still, but has some spots of feathers (silkie) starting to fluff out.

Sorry for so many questions! This has all taken me by surprise. Chick seems to be healthy. She’ll lay down for a minute, and then get up and try to stand, chirp, lay back down, repeat. I have the baby in a Rubbermaid box, on top of thick paper towels, and have a few little stuffed animals and a soft blanket in there with it. Poor baby is by itself, and may not have a roommate for at least a few days because it’s a staggered hatch.
You could put a feather duster upside down for her to huddle under like her mother. My last incubated batch loved it.
With new hatched chicks that are still to find their balance, I put marbles in the water so they don't fall in or get stuck & possible drown. Then take the marbles out when they "find their legs" & are getting around. I always put paper towels over the floor bedding & sprinkle some chick starter crumbles for them to find; the paper towels are to keep them from curiously eating the bedding for about a week. Best wishes, have fun.
You could put a feather duster upside down for her to huddle under like her mother. My last incubated batch loved it.
I need to do that! I had stuffed animals in there, but someone suggested that might not be safe.
With new hatched chicks that are still to find their balance, I put marbles in the water so they don't fall in or get stuck & possible drown. Then take the marbles out when they "find their legs" & are getting around. I always put paper towels over the floor bedding & sprinkle some chick starter crumbles for them to find; the paper towels are to keep them from curiously eating the bedding for about a week. Best wishes, have fun.
I have been doing the marbles! I was wondering if sprinkling some food around might be fun for them...I’ll do that :)
Take the toys out as above. I've never tried a mirror. I do know that they will prefer wet food. Maybe as it seems easier to eat. Take the foot and wet it till it is like soft mush. Use a jar lid if you don't have a very small dish. Put the food in there and poke at it with the pointed end of a pencil. If the chick is interested they will approach, watch and peck at the end of the pencil and bits of food on it. Do that a few times and they will eat out of the dish on their own. It's how they learn to eat. By watching what mom picks at. They will find the water and drink when they are thirsty. For food, get to a feed store and look for "Chick Starter" or "Chick Starter Mash". If you get the dishes made for chicks to drink out of they will not drown. Small dish with a refillable water container. Small chick feeders are the same. Cuts down on waste with soiled food. A chick friend would help as the store chicks are already eating and yours will learn from that one. ... I have Ameracaunas. .. They lay blue eggs.

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