Breathe right strips.......... Anybody Use them????

Yep! with those I could sleep with ex hubby!
Living with him however.....
Im a little like that sometimes, although I usually pick a bad time to exert my alpha side. I am tooooooooo laid back to force anybody to do much ever. I just sort of ease them into it......
But either way a well rested wifey is a happier one, glad you got this sorted out!... Now about those frilly dresses.....
So I think Dave should buy cases for us and we'll buy them off him

Glad they worked for you Boyd
We woulda really missed your posts and humor on this forum!

This is therapy for me!!! Its hard enough with a wife who always asks "and how does this make you feel"

Like drinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ACK!!!!!!!!

PS, this will be night two. Even though I'm home, gave her a girls night out (no, she doesn't have to ask for permission) I have the kiddo's and took the grandbaby home from the open house we were at today so my wife, her sister and the older girls can have fun

I expect to be sleeping by the time they roll in, but who knows
It's been forever since she's been out to blow off some steam. As long as she stays away from Karaoke stuff ...
Lol I don't know if that's better or worse than my "do you want me to pray about it?" ex!

No, I don't. I really just want you to make a decision without asking an invisable man in the clouds who I'm pretty sure has something better to worry about! By far the worse was him praying loudly that Jesus "change my heart and make me an obedient wife"! Uhhh Hello you didn't notice I made them take the word obey out of our vows?

Boyd, I may need a drink too cuppycake.
Black Velvet n Coke tonight
Bedtime in about 30ish
My DH used them for a while. He didn't believe me when I told him how bad he snored till his brother came and stayed a weekend. I said "yep, that's what you sound like". Not only that when he wasn't snoring I was checking to see if he was breathing. So I was not getting much sleep. We found out that he had sleep apnea and had to start using a c pap machine. He has just had his tonsils and part of his soft pallet removed , so no more snoring or apnea!

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