Breda Fowl thread

No, sorry, I haven't gotten any recent pics. With all the mud with the crazy weather and they broke their leg feathers, they look rough. I am looking forward to this spring to really hit.
Krista, do you have any pictures of your adult birds? My parents live in South Portland. :)

south portland is very close to me
Hi All,
I've been researching Breda as I have just acquired 3 from Greenfire and I'm IN LOVE with them! I actually bought Tolubunts and the Breda were given with-I actually like the Breda more than any other breed so far. Do you have an idea of gender at about a month old? I have blue and blacks. Also do you know of anyone else that sells them as well as Greenfire? I might turn a large focus to the Breda.
Thanks, Laura
I have 6 bredas, and really like them too! I'd love to see pictures of yours, I think mine are around the same age. I have no idea how to sex them yet. Most of mine are developing crests right now.
We also got a surprise from Greenfire when we purchased Silver Birchens. We have 5 Bredas, beautiful chicks, silver gray and the center of the back is black. We were thinking these are blue but don't really know. Looking at a previous batch we bought from them we now think one or two are black Breda as well. Had not planned to add these to the miriad other chickens we have but we are excited to get them and look forward to watching them develop.
My Breda eggs are hatching! I have one all the way out and several more in the process! I will post pictures once I can get some good ones.
Here's a picture today of the new babies. The one to the far left is a blue copper Marans. The other 4 are Blue Breda Fowl! We have one more late hatch in the incubator.

And a face shot.
That is awesome! Very cute chicks. All of mine are still juveniles, but I am so looking forward to hatching some of their eggs--maybe later this year, I hope. Such an unusual breed!
Here are my pair of Blue Breda Fowl that hatch on May 5th. They are the blue ones in the front (the others are Birchen Marans and Basque Hens). The Breda are from hatching eggs from Green fire farms that were marked as coming from three different flocks. These guys hatched from eggs from different flocks.


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