Breed and sex help please!!


Oct 20, 2015
I bought a day old chick to put under my broody hen. She was supposed to be a crested cream legbar and therfore definitely a she!

I realised quite quickly she wasn't a legbar but now at 20 weeks old am non the wiser as to the breed or sex!

I think it looks like a brown leghorn, it did have a curlier tail and the colourarion makes me think cockral but the comb and wattles are still very small.

No eggs or crowing currently. We did have some quiet crowing for 2 mornings when the chick was about 10 weeks old and I put him and mum in the main coop with the others but I have had hens crow in the past and as it didn't continue I am still not sure.

Sorry for poor quality pics, he's camera shy and also now doesn't have a tail due to someone pulling it out!

Any suggestions on breed and sex would be appreciated
Sorry, it took the pictures off when it uploaded the post. Trying now to add the images!
@Michael OShay

Sorry, phone kept playing up whilst I wad trying to upload the photos

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