It was the only chart I could find for paint.

Yes I know all about the paint genetics except for what happens when you breed to a different color.
You'd get paints with mixed colors. I guess you could call them a calico, but not an official calico since those are Splash Partridge.
That chart doesn't make much sense. Paint, itself, is kind of a 'split'; it's caused by dominant White split to Black, or in other words one copy of dominant White on an otherwise Black bird. You could maybe make the argument for White split because some Paints have little to no 'paint spots', but Black split? And if that is what they mean by White split, then that's not what you'd get from crossing two 'White split' birds. 🤔 Not accurate info at all.
That chart isn't even close.
Agree with everything you've said here.
I found this on another thread regarding Paint Silkie Genetics.

That looks like the correct info for breeding Paints. I wonder if you maybe kept a link to this thread? Looks like there's more to read in that post that has my interest piqued.

Editing to add, I found it myself. Here's the link if anyone else is interested. It's a good read on the subject.
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