Breeding season of 2012....(who else is excited?!)

I am CRAZY excited! I haven't been able to hatch my own birds since I had stayed with my dad when I thought husband was getting out of the Army... I moved back up here, only to move back! But while here, I had a super cute OEG rooster and his hen.

This year though, I will FINALLY have Saxony eggs to hatch! Yippee! Will be adding 2-4 more hens from them.
Ok just found a widget for spring, hope it worked and it did not.

<!-My countdown widget - HTML code - --><div align="center" style="margin:15px 0px 0px 0px"><noscript><div align="center" style="width:140px;border:1px solid #ccc;background:#fff ;color: #fff ;font-weight:bold;"><a style="text-decoration:none;color:#000 ;" href="">Spring Countdown</a></div></noscript><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></div><!-end of code-->

123 days 7 hours 27 minutes 1 sec as of this post TILL SPRING!
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Me too! Im breeding rouens and welsh harlequins, what are you breeding?

Im breeding Chinese Geese :))) and Orpingtons
By the actions around here, breeding season is upon us already. Will be breeding the following for sure:

Call ducks
Mandarins ducks (if they are so inclinded)
Buff ducks
Silver Appleyard (meat production)
White French Mascovy (later 2012, also meat production)
Rouen (maybe, maybe not)

African (meat production)
Sebastopol gray, white, splash

Black Copper Marans
Lav Orpington
Ameracuana Lav, Wheaten/blue wheaten
Wow, you all are very excited. Lol!

Tinychickenlady: you will be one of the first people im sending eggs to. Your second from the top!

CrazycatNchickenlady: never got the chicks. Mom said no at the last minute, but I have 13 orpington eggs in my incubator, so im hopeing lots of those hatch! Lol! And hopeing for lots of hens! Lol! And im hopeing they start laying sometime in the summer so I can hatch some babies from them.
I think I'm as excited for you as I was my first time! LOL I hope you get a good hatch rate and I will be watching for pics! What color Orps? I've always wanted buffs but BBS are almost too pretty to pass by.
you had a big breeding season kuntry girl, lost of duckies now tell us what birth control method you plan on using to keep them from hatching ducklings this coming year?
and did you know you PM box is full? or did you do that on purpose so you really wouldn't have to talk turkey?
Breeding sounds like fun. I have lots of ducks. I still have pallets left-over from building my duckhouse. Should I start building duck-condos so I can pair them up? I don't want to do the incubator thing -so somebody would have to set on the nest.

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