Breeding silkied Cochin bantams to the Standard

Peanut Butter has two babies under her this morning, and her third egg is externally pipped :love


And the last egg in the incubator is externally pipped as well. :fl
I am so pleased! Crunching the numbers, there was only about a 0.39% chance of all four of them being Splash--that's 1 in 256! Not quite lottery-winning numbers (not hardly, in fact!), but I definitely feel like I won! 😁 They're all on their feet today and following the 'big kids' around in the brooder, learning what to do. Such pretty babies! :love Will have to get pictures of them a bit later.

Peanut Butter's last baby finally hatched last night at roost time, too! Another Black for her, so that's two Black and one Blue in her brood. A good friend of mine who lives in the Netherlands actually named Peanut Butter and she's beyond thrilled that she's 'a chicken grandma' now. 🤭 She has no chickens of her own so lives vicariously through my birds.

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