Brooding hens


9 Years
Jun 3, 2010
Why do hens want to "set" on eggs now?
How do i get them to stop setting?
Do they lay eggs while they are "brooding"?
Someone told me to get a small tub of water and place the brooding hen in it and make her stay there at least a 1/2 day
and it will "cool" her down and she will stop brooding. Is this a good idea??
computergal39 in Missouri
Why do hens want to "set" on eggs now?
Because their hormones say it's time.
How do i get them to stop setting?
You can either let them hatch (or adopt feed store babies) or break them.
Do they lay eggs while they are "brooding"?
Someone told me to get a small tub of water and place the brooding hen in it and make her stay there at least a 1/2 day
and it will "cool" her down and she will stop brooding. Is this a good idea??

No. To break a broody, put them in a wire cage with food and water but no nesting material. The air flow underneath will break them from their broody spell. Give them a few days and you should be good.

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