Broody Australorp Now Mother Hen!!!!!! Lots and Lots of Pics!

Now that would be a sight to see...

Sounds like a good plan there...

Oh yeah, you're gonna love it. I do. I don't even have to take the eggs out of the bator; just put it on top of each egg and I can see. It does work fairly well on the dark eggs, but I found the hardest ones to see through were the olive eggs.
i want to hatch eggs too but idk how to tell if eggs r fertilized we havent got a egg with blood in it yet and do i just take like 6 eggs and a hen and put them in another coop so she gets broody or wat please help
OK folks, today is day nine, and my nifty new "egg lighter" thingy came in. I held up 5 of her dozen eggs one at a time, and I could definitely see some dark "blobs" that were attached to the yolks inside. One egg in particular had what I know was a small swimming chick inside.

Am I nuts or did I actually see that on day nine? Oh, my wife saw it too, so we're both nuts if that's the case.
If you have a rooster or two and mature hens, chances are pretty good that your eggs are fertilized. Do a search on this site for "bullseye" and I'll bet you'll find lots of threads that describe the spot on the yolk in a cracked egg that shows fertilization. If not, respond here, and I'll explain further.
I saw movement in my eggs on Day 9. So no, you are not seeing things.

I think I'm going to order that candler before I incubate again.

Well, I can tell you that it is a fantastic candler. It works very well, and the end is soft rubber, so it keeps your eggs safe. I love it, and it's a great $10 investment.

In fact, I like it so much, I'm considering buying some wholesale and selling them on my website.

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