Broody Hen


Jul 16, 2019
One of my Buff Brahma hens has decided to go broody in the last couple of days. I have 6 chicks set to be delivered from Meyer Hatchery on May 1 and was hoping to have a broody to raise them. Any chance she will stay broody that long even if I remove eggs from under her daily? The last two days, she has stayed on the nest despite me taking the eggs from underneath her.
Yes. Broodies are often used to hatch eggs that take 4-6 weeks to hatch. It is a long time for a hen to brood though, so she needs to be watched closely so her health is not endangered. It's also possible the hen will give up and dessert the nest. I'd put dummy eggs under her.
Ok! I did that last time I had a hen go broody and it worked, but it was only for a couple of weeks. After seeing how well my other broody took care of the chicks I gave her, I really want a broody to raise the ones I have coming. Thanks for the input:)

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