Buff Orp. or Easter Eggr? 4-6 months, hen or roo (PLEASE say hen)??

If the father was an EE then he probably (looks like it) has a different kind of comb than you are used to seeing in your Orps. That's why you aren't seeing the tell-tale straight comb that you were expecting.
Oh, ok. But the redness of the comb? and there's no wattles. By 4-6 months shouldn't there be something? Or do you think he's just younger than we were told.

This really stinks
, that was my hubbys favorite chicken. The mother is pretty old, so we were really counting on him to be our consistent egg layer, in the very near future.
Your little fellow has a pea comb and no wattles, which is normal for EEs. He has the beard and muffs instead. Closely examine the saddle feathers coming off his back and down the sides in front of the tail. If those feathers are pointy (and they look that way in one of the photos) then it's a boy for sure. I love his cute face!
Here's the only other pic I have of "his" back. He was moving, though, so don't know if it helps at all. I'll go take another look later, I guess.

I think I'll go drown my sorrows now. Must.find.chocolate

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That dark red colour you see on his wings is usually a good indicator of a male EE.
I double checked the feed bag an it's this one , which appears to be layer feed. Maybe since the majority are laying, and we told him that the youngest was 3-5 months, he figured to put them all on this (it says to start feeding it at 16 wks, on the bag/website). I do remember when my husband called originally, he was trying to get one thing, but the man asked a couple of questions about our "girls" and said that this is what we needed.

I was gonna ask again if something is wrong with it, but now that I know she's a he, I'm sure there is anyway, not like he'd need any extra protein...

Well, I broke the news to hubby, and he's not pleased. Actually, he's still in denial. Said he won't believe it until he crows
. Unfortunately, we cannot take that chance, so I must make him believe....
yes, looks like an Easter Egger.....mine has the puffy cheeks and beard too but the coloring isn't the same.
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Guess I need to be careful what I wish for, lol. I think I just told my hubby like yesterday that I'd love to have an EE!

How crazy is that? ! Guess I should've specified


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