Buff Orp. or Easter Eggr? 4-6 months, hen or roo (PLEASE say hen)??

Definitely EE roo- looks just like the two I got rid of earlier this week.

And one of mine had next to no comb, and it was very light pink... but the crowing and red pointy saddle feathers don't lie.
Wrong leg color and comb for a red sex link.

The coloring gives it away.Only RSLs have that coloring.

No, red sex links are not the only chickens that have that coloring.
Yep, definitely not a RSL hen but an EE cockeral. As someone else said, it has the wrong leg color and comb for a RSL. It also has muffs which RSL do not have.

As for who its Mom is... chickens will hatch out eggs that aren't theirs. It's very possible that its genetic mother isn't the same as the chicken who hatched it out.
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