I loved my buff Minorca I had last year. They were a deep, even almost copper and cold color.


I also would love a fully buff pheonix
I don’t like them either🥰
But at least they have nice beards. Unlike buff ameraucanas
Ok, I’ll admit those are some ugly examples. Ameraucanas tend towards beard picking, unlike some other lusciously bearded breeds I can name (don’t bother watching the whole video it’s long):
Ameraucana bantams also don’t have the beards that the breed ought to have, because breeders won’t work hard enough on it (despite the bantams being the original Ameraucanas.)

View attachment 3211145
See, there’s no such thing as a beautiful buff orpington😁

Show quality buff Orpington bred to the American Standard of Perfection. ;)

Buff is one of the hardest colors to perfect, and Orpingtons are the most perfect example of the color.
To those buff haters: how do you feel about buff turkeys?

And here’s a random unsolicited fact about buff polish.
They are technically buff, but this buff is gold diluted by dominant white, which hardly dilutes gold at all. So whether you would call this buff or white laced gold is beyond me.
Buff is actually gold with mahogany added, so it would be red if not for the additional dilute gene. They also have the ig gene to make the coloring more even unlike some trashy buffs. So do we consider buff laced and buff to be buff, or is one diluted mahogany while the other is (barely) diluted gold?

Some don’t like the pale buff, but buff is very variable, from pale lemon to coin gold, to light orange. Here is a decidedly orange one.
The Standard calls for a medium shade, like a gold coin, with as much evenness as possible, evenness being more important than the shade.
If you don’t like that, I guess we all have that color we hate. Mine being lavender. Except for a few embarrassing instances where I liked a lavender bird.
To those buff haters: how do you feel about buff turkeys? View attachment 3211431

And here’s a random unsolicited fact about buff polish.
They are technically buff, but this buff is gold diluted by dominant white, which hardly dilutes gold at all. So whether you would call this buff or white laced gold is beyond me.
Buff is actually gold with mahogany added, so it would be red if not for the additional dilute gene. They also have the ig gene to make the coloring more even unlike some trashy buffs. So do we consider buff laced and buff to be buff, or is one diluted mahogany while the other is (barely) diluted gold?

Some don’t like the pale buff, but buff is very variable, from pale lemon to coin gold, to light orange. Here is a decidedly orange one. View attachment 3211434 The Standard calls for a medium shade, like a gold coin, with as much evenness as possible, evenness being more important than the shade.
If you don’t like that, I guess we all have that color we hate. Mine being lavender. Except for a few embarrassing instances where I liked a lavender bird.
Love the buff torkey
Love the buff torkey
I want some some day. They would get lost in a field of wheat though, lol.
It's more body type for me honestly. I would dislike isabel Orpingtons just as much to they were the same body shape as hatchery buffs are.
Yeah, almost all lavender Orpingtons are scrawny which is why they’re not in the Standard despite their popularity. But I would dislike them either way.
Ameraucanas tend towards beard picking, unlike some other lusciously bearded breeds I can name

I will never understand why some chickens just have an insatiable appetite for beards. My Easter-eggers are always clean-shaven with that weird uni-wattle look going by late summer. 🤭

If you don’t like that, I guess we all have that color we hate. Mine being lavender. Except for a few embarrassing instances where I liked a lavender bird.

Solid Buff would be the one for me! I use the distinction of 'solid' because I don't mind things like buff laced, buff Columbian, etc., but when it's solid it's just so... blah. Icky. Boring. I don't know, I just don't like it. I used to put solid white in the same category, but I've more recently discovered that I don't mind pure white birds who have slate legs, such as White Ameraucanas, or dark skin, like some of the Ayam Cemani hybrids I've seen. Solid Buff, I can't say the same. I just don't like that color regardless of other features the bird may have.

As for the turkey, nah, I don't like that. Same issue as with chickens. The color just doesn't do it for me.

I did see a buff turkey in show once that I thought was quite pretty, though. I actually don't recall if this was actually labelled as buff or if I'm misremembering, and I don't know turkey varieties well enough to self-correct on it.

turkey, buff female i think.jpg

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