Bugs & Problems With The New Platform

Here are the reasons why emails may not be getting through:

  1. Subscription settings are not set properly, check them here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/users/subscriptions/
  2. Email address may not be set correctly in our system, check your profile
  3. There may be a delay in our server sending out emails.  While the delay should never be more than an hour, there have been cases where it has taken up to 24 hours
  4. Your email client / program may be marking the emails as spam.  Check your email spam folders and filters.   Add [email protected] to your "whitelist" and your address book
  5. Your ISP / email service may be blocking or marking the emails as spam

Those are the only reasons we can think that may cause emails not to be received from our system.

I receive the Immediate email updates just fine, all day long (including from this thread). It's the Daily Digest that's not happening. I subscribed to the "How many eggs today" thread so I know (many) new posts are happening. I'm just not getting any emails from it.

My spam folder is clear.

I'll change my email account just to be sure that's not the problem.
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I just uploaded a picture yesterday morning and tried again to upload today and i keep getting this" Temporary error occured, Please retry your request " and i have many times but i keep getting the same error.
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Was the following link to all the awards brought over from the old BYC? I'm just getting error messages.

Originally Posted by Nifty-Chicken




BTW, all the current awards are listed here:

Click on any of the awards in that list to see all the members that have the award!

ETA: This is the error message I'm getting:
System Error

We're sorry, but there's been an error in our system, and we can't complete your request. Please report this error to us, using our feedback system. Thanks!
You can also go back and try again.

I was wonderding the same thing - at least I think it's the same thing. You used to be able to click on someone's award in their postbit (under their avatar), and it would take you to a place where all the awards were listed, and there were definitions of the awards, so the reader knew what the award was for.

Is this 1) a bug, 2) gone for good, or 3) hiding in plain sight?
Is this 1) a bug, 2) gone for good, or 3) hiding in plain sight?

Hmm.... door number 4?

The awards system on this platform is super new, so there are a bunch of areas where we need to make improvements. A list of them isn't currently available (we should edit / remove that link for now) but if / when it is created, we'll let you know.

In the interim, maybe we should create a BYC page / article with information about the various awards. I'll see if the awards Project Manager is willing to help with that!
I have noticed that it is really hard to edit a post more than once. It usually lets you the first time but the next try it sometimes does and other times it will not.
Having problems uploading pics. When I hit select pic this black arrow starts circling and never does anything else.
chickened wrote: I have noticed that it is really hard to edit a post more than once. It usually lets you the first time but the next try it sometimes does and other times it will not.

Haven't noticed this with the edit function. However, I've noticed that CANCEL POST requires more than one press of the button in order to cancel (single line post: one press/multiple lines several presses).

dak wrote: Having problems uploading pics. When I hit select pic this black arrow starts circling and never does anything else.

No problem with this. However, submitted a post, yesterday. Screen grayed-out/PLEASE WAIT message and animated bar running and running... Had to leave so I just left it to its own devices. On return (three hours later) same/same. Went to another machine, logged-in. Lo and behold post had appeared in thread.

Timing issues???
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Once again it happened. I'm typing a posting and hit the wrong key and lose everything I've typed.


I don't think that's a problem with the platform here. There are keys on the keyboard that cause what you're typing to get erased, but that's the keyboard, not the website. I'ts happened to me in Word and in emails. It's just the keyboard.
Once again it happened. I'm typing a posting and hit the wrong key and lose everything I've typed.


One thing that does that is the back button, also the F5 key, and ctrl+R, and depending on the browser/operating system, different keys on the keyboard or different mouse actions will cause that. Those are all caused by the browser/keyboard/OS, not by any particular website.

On this site, if you hit the "reply" button under another post that will clear what you wrote. Clicking a few other places will also do that (like the "clear the editor" link in the bottom right).

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