Bugs & Problems With The New Platform

Too many new javascripts make the pages slow to load!!! The material on the right-hand side holds up the entire page from loading!!
My badges did not come over with the conversion.

Since the thread where we are supposed to post our comments has been locked. Are we supposed to start new threads in RR for everything.
Is there a place for us to post about comments, complaints, and complements?

I see all those things. I think it's because it's your own profile, because I don't see those on my postbit either. Don't really need to follow ourselves, do we?

I feel soooooo stupid.
. gryeyes sent me a pm so I know it works and then it dawned on me. Must have had a senior moment LOL.
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ok I will type this all again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'M NOT COMPLAINING about the site
I'm having some real problems here
Just like right now ..there is only "reply "above me ------------------------ no smilies(and you all know how much I love my smilies),no spell check (heads up),no points or numbers(I would be using them now) This seems to be better,after deleted temp. files
when I hover over tabs ---- no drop downs( big brown tabs lol)
My name isn't right (elevan tried to fix but it changed back)
I can't find my page to save my life (I starting to think someone forgot to pack it up for me :-( )
I even changed browers today to IE9 ---- still "please wait" to submit and "please wait" smilies (when I seen them)
I changed it back (messed with norton and other things)
I've had to re-type replys today... gone just gone
It has froze up my computer 3 or 4 times today (5 times)
I don't even know if I like or dislike the new site,because half my stuff seems to not work.....
I am upset,I am not upset at Rob or staff
but I have spent HOURS and Hours here today.......
and I feel like I can be upset at the "bugs"
I LOVE byc,but I am having problems !!!!!!!!!!!!
I know someone will tell me everything will be ok,but if I don't tell you what is wrong how can it be fixed
I wanted to post this again here, hoping someone can help.... I'm at my end,I don't know enough to fix it.............................I'm done for the night/day...if you can help great I'll check pms later if I can login won't take old or new name now have to use email address---- thanks
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or numbers(I would be using them now) This seems to be better,after deleted temp. files
when I hover over tabs ---- no drop downs( big brown tabs lol)
My name isn't right (elevan tried to fix but it changed back)
I can't find my page to save my life (I starting to think someone forgot to pack it up for me :-( )
I even changed browers today to IE9 ---- still "please wait" to submit and "please wait" smilies (when I seen them)
I changed it back (messed with norton and other things)
I've had to re-type replys today... gone just gone
It has froze up my computer 3 or 4 times today (5 times)

All those items except your username seems like it might be a problem with your browser and how it is processing the javasript on the site. Have you tried a different browser or computer to determine if it is an issue with one of those items?

Please send me a PM with the username you had before and I'll try to fix it.
I have checked the box to NOT show user awards (in an effort to make things run a little faster), and they are still showing up for everyone that has one.

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