Bugs & Problems With The New Platform

So far, I have liked the new platform.

I have noticed that when I left a comments on a few My Chicken Pages, I was automatically subscribed to it and got email updates when other people left comments or when the page was edited. I went to my profile to manage my subscriptions but the chicken pages were not listed in the subscriptions were the threads were. I will double check to make sure my default is "Don't Subscribe"
Slow? -- slow doesn't describe it... "reports of slow performance". I feel like I have dial-up again! I have all the latest updates, newest IE.... I simply cannot search or surf this web site anymore. It has become so slow that I click on something and leave the computer. I am not finding results when I search a problem... there is so little description on each that I have to click on it to find out if it applies, and then, leave the computer for each and every post to load. I just can't enjoy or successfully use this site anymore.
If the problem were solvable, it would be solved by now, IMO. Or, something definitive would be posted to state: "While we are aware of the extreme slowness of the site, we believe we have found the problem and are working to fix it and expect it will be resolved by ... "
Of course, the site is so slow that I can't read the posts about problems, or the answers to the posts.. can't navigate the site at all... or only minimally, and it is no pleasure anymore.
Frustrating doesn't even begin to describe it. And, it's not about traffic, or time of day.
I do hope problems are resolved soon.. I will try back in a week or so.. for now, I'm done.. can't do it. Too hard, too slow, too complicated, no longer a pleasure.
I did read this was tested and the bugs were worked out BEFORE it was put into full operation? Really??
Sorry, I have been trying to find some answers here today and this is so frustrating..
Slow? -- slow doesn't describe it... "reports of slow performance". I feel like I have dial-up again! I have all the latest updates, newest IE.... I simply cannot search or surf this web site anymore. It has become so slow that I click on something and leave the computer. I am not finding results when I search a problem... there is so little description on each that I have to click on it to find out if it applies, and then, leave the computer for each and every post to load. I just can't enjoy or successfully use this site anymore.
If the problem were solvable, it would be solved by now, IMO. Or, something definitive would be posted to state: "While we are aware of the extreme slowness of the site, we believe we have found the problem and are working to fix it and expect it will be resolved by ... "
Of course, the site is so slow that I can't read the posts about problems, or the answers to the posts.. can't navigate the site at all... or only minimally, and it is no pleasure anymore.
Frustrating doesn't even begin to describe it. And, it's not about traffic, or time of day.
I do hope problems are resolved soon.. I will try back in a week or so.. for now, I'm done.. can't do it. Too hard, too slow, too complicated, no longer a pleasure.
I did read this was tested and the bugs were worked out BEFORE it was put into full operation? Really??
Sorry, I have been trying to find some answers here today and this is so frustrating..

I am right there with you. I just don't know anymore...............
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Help! I can't post or reply via a forum thread. I get a msg about the rich text editor is not compatible w my browser. "You may see some HTmL source displayed. Any BBcode you....."

I got here by hitting reply to an entire forum. I hope this comes thru b/c my last 7 haven't.

Also, the info text using bleeds down into the reply box.

I am using a droid w the latest Froyo & have not had this problem until today.
My own experience is that there has been no slowness. EXCEPT for one thread I tried to access. It was just that one thread, and it hasn't happened since. I'll see if I can locate it again, and edit this post once I do.

ETA: OK, this is it: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/375826/the-new-coops-pic-heavy-let-me-know-what-you-think

The first time I tried to view it, my browser seemed to hang, but veeeeery slowly the pics began to replace the red x's. Then, it froze, or at least seemed to. Now that I've gone back, everything is there, loads up quickly.
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I'm also having a problem with the speed, or lack thereof. When I click on a thread, it takes a good 15 to 30 seconds to upload. There will be no more "going on BYC right quick to check for responses" any more for me. I'll check back from time to time to see if this problem has been resolved, but buying a new computer just to use this site as has been suggested in another thread is not an option.
I have had no problem with the speed. I'm on a old (7 years) computer with firefox and time warner cable. I also have chrome and internet explorer on here but don't use them. Any new system is going to have some problems no matter how much they test. after all they cant come to everybodys house to test. I have seen that a lot of the people that were having problems have said it's good now. Hopefully everybody will be back with no more problems.
good luck

Slow? -- slow doesn't describe it... "reports of slow performance". I feel like I have dial-up again! I have all the latest updates, newest IE.... I simply cannot search or surf this web site anymore. It has become so slow that I click on something and leave the computer. I am not finding results when I search a problem... there is so little description on each that I have to click on it to find out if it applies, and then, leave the computer for each and every post to load. I just can't enjoy or successfully use this site anymore.
If the problem were solvable, it would be solved by now, IMO. Or, something definitive would be posted to state: "While we are aware of the extreme slowness of the site, we believe we have found the problem and are working to fix it and expect it will be resolved by ... "
Of course, the site is so slow that I can't read the posts about problems, or the answers to the posts.. can't navigate the site at all... or only minimally, and it is no pleasure anymore.
Frustrating doesn't even begin to describe it. And, it's not about traffic, or time of day.
I do hope problems are resolved soon.. I will try back in a week or so.. for now, I'm done.. can't do it. Too hard, too slow, too complicated, no longer a pleasure.
I did read this was tested and the bugs were worked out BEFORE it was put into full operation? Really??
Sorry, I have been trying to find some answers here today and this is so frustrating..
( that's how I would have said it if I wasn't so fluent in Hillbilly/Redneck)

all I could come up with is "we have bugs in the coop"

I am right there with you. I just don't know anymore...............

x 3 (Kathy we're not alone !!!!!
After reading through 24 pages I was hoping someone had a solution for the Kindle Fire Problem. I can read and navigate but I cannot post. My keyboard does not pop up when I click in the reply box. I have tried full page editor with no difference. I figured how to force my keyboard open on the Kindle but the typing does not appear in the reply box.

Did a little experiementing tonight. When I turn off Java scripting the keyboard pops up just find and I can type in the reply box BUT when I SUBMIT nothing happens or I get an error message "We're sorry, but there's been an error in our system, and we can't complete your request. Please report this error to us, using our feed back system. Thanks!" "Message: Page not found:Argument 'id' was not passed to the query string."

Hope this helps the administrators narrow things down. The Kindle Fire runs an Amazon browser version 1.1.0-84. Thanks.

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