Bullying. Needs. To. Stop.

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Look, being over or under weight is NOT the worst thing a human could be. You be truly Evil, a r****t, a child m*******r, atheist, War lord, DEAD. So stop your
and be proud of yourself. He gave you a body to live in and a life to live. Love to live and Live to Love.

Ha-ha funny. I'm not crying. I don't feel that I'm underweight either. I'm happy with my body, it's just all these annoying people that feel the need to make fun of me just because I'm not built like Kim Kardashian. Who is "He"? My dad? Yes, he did.
I do wish sometimes I was older and blonde. I could have a chance with Jake Gyllenhaal, lol.
No this thread isn't a joke. I just wanted to change the title to something shorter, and I have been bullied about me being slender bodied. So I guess it's the type of bullying that conflicts people who have been bothered about their size. My best friend has a thyroid problem, so sometimes she's a size 8 in jeans and other times size 11. We're totally opposite but have never questioned eachother about our weight/size. She's short, a little plump, curvy, and I'm tall, slender, kinda curvy. She likes uhm, I don't what kind of music, nevermind. :p I'm really into dubstep and hard rock and she isn't. So meh.
No legal papers have to be done about bullying.. But parents sure could do something about it. Let's say your kid is 8, girl, sweet and such, but she's mean to some other girl her age because the other girl dresses differently and acts differently. Oh I know the perfect example! One of my old buddies has a younger sister. Her younger sister is bullied and is outcasted by other kids. Just because she's weird. I was weird when I was her age (actually I've been weird my whole life) and I only had 2 main friends. Talking elementary by the way. Last year, my 5th period went to this earth day thing on the base (air force base) and kids from the elementary school were there too. I saw my friend's young sister there kind of alone. I went up to her and gave her a hug, and she tugged me around to show me stuff. I was having fun. Then we stopped and she pointed at this girl and a boy, she told me that they're mean and rude to her. She told me to tell them to "stop". I said "okay.." and walked up to them and asked if they had a problem with Savannah (that's her name). They glared at her, then looked at me, turned around and smirked/laughed and walked away. I kind of wanted to punch them in the throat.
I know not to, but geez they were rude just like Savannah said. Who is letting their kids be like this? They were like 5th or 6th graders. I don't expect little 10 year olds to be mature, but still... I told Savannah to forget about them and to ignore them, don't talk to them, don't give them anything, if they persist report them to the main office or to a teacher or adult. Savannah doesn't seem to have many friends, either. She often shows me her imaginary friends which are wolves or some other animal. I can relate, I had an imaginary friend too, but no more than 1 at a time. Her parents love her very much and have told her the same things I've told her. REPORT REPORT REPORT. One thing I know for sure, kids don't like to go to the office.
In 7th grade the 8th grade girls would constantly bug me in PE trying to "help" me. "OMG do you want a boyfriend? why dont you have a boyfriend? how come you dont dress this way? blah blah blah blah" goodness. I did like some guys that didn't like me back. I wasn't their type unfortunately. I had my hair in a ponytail most of the time, I wasn't aware that I had to have waxed or plucked eyebrows, I didn't know I had to shave my legs to be more feminine, didn't know that wheel-backpacks were "uncool", and I wore big shirts, jackets, regular jeans, and I was wearing heelys. Trying to "help" me. Pssh. Ruined my childhood is what they did.
Eyebrow buddies for the win! I've kept mine despite several women (when forced into a pedicure party for weddings, etc.) literally coming at me with tweezers droning, "must PLUUUUCK". I really like eyebrows. They express emotions, which is something I find helpful. ;)

I think that as you age, your experience and circle of people you know will naturally expand. With it seems to come growing confidence and ability to not just cope with, but be at peace with, other people's judgments and assumptions. It seems to me like you are doing exactly what you should be doing at your age. Exploring and learning about life and what is important to you.
Well, uhm, I've learned that I really want to go to the Electric Daisy Carnival. Biggest rave on the west coast... ._. Can't go until I'm 18 though. Even when I'm 18 I won't be able to go til the next one after next year's. Aye.
I've also been made fun of for not drinking alcoholic beverages. Or smoking cigarettes or weed. I just don't do those things. My mom says when I turn 21 she'll take me to a bar to try stuff. My parents have had me try red wine before. I didn't like it. Sour, bitter, yucky. I prefer my Sobe Strawberry/Banana smoothie drinks. I was alone at the Wynn in Las Vegas in our hotel room and I tried vodka using a Q-tip. Most horrid tasting thing ever. I used a Q-tip because the fridge was wired, you take something out and it automatically charges ya on your bill. So, I left the tiny bottle in there, opened it, and used a Q-tip to taste it out of curiousity. Didn't charge the bill. I also opened soda in the fridge without removing them and just drank out of them using a straw. Oh and it was some goose vodka, still nasty. Some of my friends drink flavored vodka. My gay friend was blabbering about bubble gum flavored vodka and I cringed at the thought of it. If I wanted bubblegum flavored vodka, I'd just take rubbing alcohol and hubba-bubba, mix it together, and drink it.
My mom said whiskey is terrible. I take her word for it. She also says tequila burns your throat. Another thing I don't wish to try. I've been called a prude lol >_>
I found that once I could just be casual yet confident about it and say, "nah, I don't drink/smoke", people were genuinely more than fine with it. Some still felt as if my non-drinking was a personal attack on their drinking. Usually, specifying, "hey, I'm not saying you shouldn't drink", was enough to make them realize they were being overly defensive. Pressure to drink only ever happened up until 20 or so. People seem to get over it by then. ;)

However, the straw trick, though clever, is actually stealing. So skip that kind of drinking as well.
I don't see atheism as a religion. Maybe Google and dig up an old thread by AquaEyes titled Nonstamp-Collectors(or something like that). I see atheists in the news every now and again. They buy advertisement billboards in a neighborhood that has a high religious demographic, they then post images and messages mocking it. I sort of mentioned this in another thread. I don't associate myself with that at all. Those people are just trying to start trouble. I really don't care what you believe so long as it isn't detrimental to your fellow people. I believe in the saying that freedom of religion should also be freedom from religion. There are so many different religious beliefs and every single one of them believes they are the one and only true religion... there comes a point when we need to just accept that nobody really knows.
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Uh, atheism is a religion, ( I know and realize not all atheists believe this).

By the same analogy, not playing soccer is a sport.

Seriously, though, atheism is not a religion -- there is no unified belief (only a shared non-belief in the existence of gods), no dogma or philosophy, no worship, etc. Basically, it's defined as a lack of something, not the "having" of something. The essay on the link you posted is trying to bend something together that just isn't so. There are atheists who do have beliefs and philosophies, but they are not unanimous among atheists.

Where the essay in your link fails is in its idea that atheists all follow the belief that there are no gods. What is more accurate is that the argument for the existence of gods was not presented with any evidence, and so the argument was dismissed. We are all born agnostic -- without the knowledge of religion. It must be taught for it to be adopted -- or rejected. Some learn the stories associated with the predominant religion of their part of the world and say they believe. Others learn the same stories and remain unconvinced -- and that is very different from learning stories that gods don't exist and believing them. To say it another way, atheism isn't a belief that there are no gods -- it's a lack of belief that there are any. And "not believing A" does not become "a belief in B."

Not all religious people would believe atheism is a religion either.


a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purposeof the universe, especially when considered as the creationof a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involvingdevotional and ritual observances, and often containing amoral code governing the conduct of human affairs.​
a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generallyagreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christianreligion; the Buddhist religion.
the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefsand practices: a world council of religions.
the life or state of a monk, nun, etc.: to enter religion.
the practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith.​
the doctrine or belief that there is no God.​
disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.​
You would have to stretch definition number 2, change it from "beliefs" to "belief", and ignore its wider meaning. The only belief tying atheists together...is a lack of belief in a god/s/higher power/s. Similarly, agnosticism is not a religion. That said, atheism and agnosticism certainly *can* figure into religious/spiritual belief systems...but that does not make all atheists/agnostics religious and does not constitute a religion. Theism (the belief that there is a god/s) alone also does not constitute a religion. Nor do all theists make up one single religion because they share that one belief (existence of god/s). Bolding that last one, because it is so rarely discussed.
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