Bunny Has Head Tilt


Apr 4, 2020
Central PA
My sweet mini rex developed head tilt very suddenly on Wednesday. I got him to the vet this morning. He is on five different meds and has a 50/50 chance of recovering. I am exhausted keeping him cleaned up and hand feeding, plus administering the meds. Poor baby! I pray he makes it.
What did the vet diagnose bunny with? What meds is he now on?

I hope he gets better!
Thank you! His diagnosis is Head tilt, also known as wry neck or torticollis. He's on panacur (head tilt could be cause by parasite), an antibiotic (in case of bacterial infection), an anti-inflammatory, an eye drop (I think he rolled and a piece of hay jabbed his eye), and metroclopramide to keep his GI tract moving and avoid stasis.
Did they test for ear mites or ear infection?

If you take a q-tip and carefully swab the ear he is tilting toward you can check for dirty ears which are signs of either/both conditions.

Is he still eating at least?
Vet looked deep into his ears with his instrument - they are clear. He is eating if I hand feed, which I do every few hours through the day. Hubby goes out and gets fresh dandelion greens - that's all he seems to want. I just got some baby food (banana and blueberry) that I'll try with a syringe. I ordered some Oxbow Critical Care which should be here Monday. I can't get it locally.

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